
Should the 5 Asian illegal immigrants, who came here in army truck from France, be sent back IMMEDIATELY.n?

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Should the 5 Asian illegal immigrants, who came here in army truck from France, be sent back IMMEDIATELY.n?




  1. Yes send them back where they came from!

  2. Of course they should, but they wont. There are Asian lawyers lurking at arrival points,awaiting for such people so as to represent them and get paid for by the British tax payers money (legal aid).  By the time they have gone through all the mumbo jumbo, about 5yrs. during which time we have to keep them, all the woolly liberals, will say 'Aah it's a shame  for them' and then give them houses jobs or thousands in social security payments. In the words of our Great Bard, 'Begone I say, Begone'

    I love Sunkissed f***y's answer.

  3. Asylum should be sought in the first safe country they arrive in!!!

    Send them back to France, who should then send them to the last safe country they were in before France.  If that can't be established then France should keep them.  But they won't, that's why they are here.

    Human rights be damned there are no real rights, just lawyers making a fortune!!!!!!

  4. I think that we all know that they will be here permanently because they will be tied up in mountains of red tape.

  5. Send them back immediately. How many more people are going to come here? They should put an end to the benefits system in this country - that'll stop them pouring in.

  6. send em back on a rubber dinghy and see if they survive the crossing

  7. are they not entitled to seek asylum or have their case looked into? who knows what they are running from or why - would you knowly send them back to their deaths? I mean at the moment everyone in this country is up in arms over the rising food and fuel costs , most are saying that things are cheaper on the continent , why would someone come to this county illegally when everything costs more than where they came from unless there is some other more sinister reason?

  8. If they are fleeing from persecution they should have sayed at their first place of safety...  not the UK.

    If they are just illegal they should be sent back to their homeland and their homeland billed for the expense.

  9. Of course!!

    What a blatant way of making a mockery of our border controls and our Army. Could you imagine what would happen to 5 British people hiding in the back of an Asian Army Truck.

    Cant believe their neck!!

  10. I agree that they should be sent back immediately.  These immigrants are NOT fleeing for their lives.   They have obviously passed through several different countries including France before finally arriving in Britain.   If they were frightened for their lives they wouldn't have risked them by crossing the Channel in army lorries, or risked immediate deportation back to where they came from, they would have stayed in the first country they came to.  

    They are economic immigrants who know they will have a better standard of living here because we are a nation of handouts and freebies, because we bend over backwards to help illegals and put them before our own native Brits.  

    We are just a nation of numpties, with a parliament of prats.

  11. If they are looking for asylem they should claim it in the first safe country they get to not one they have to cross a continent to get to.  They are no more that economic migrants looking fo an easy life. Send them back (I like the dingy idea:))

  12. absolutely yes, they should not even be allowed out of the  truck,turn it around and take them back, we should have a flashing sign on our ports saying NO VACANCIES

  13. Yes they should 'quick smart' no questions.

  14. Yes, the UK should be closed to any further immigrants, especially illegal ones.  We're FULL UP!

  15. Yes they should, international law clearly states that if immigrants feel in danger in there own country they should go to the nearest safe country,now you don't need a degree in geography to know the UK is not the nearest safe country to the continent of Asia :)

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