
Should the AFL have a send-off rule?

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  1. no, next they'll be asking for no tackling.

  2. we had this one a couple of days back, my answer is still no, leave that for the little kids comps, i was reported my fair share, but we never had a send off rule, if you had one, you wouldn't get reported any more, that's a fact too, i was doing the running for my old team on Saturday, i was 5 mtrs from a fight, i saw and so did the ump, a bloke whack another bloke in the eye and cut him a few Cm's across the brow, he got sent off for the game, but no report, i would of played more games for sure in the days when i played.

    leave for the kids, not the adults, blokes get away with anything in country footy now, cause they get sent off instead of reported.

  3. Yes I think a send off rule would be a good thing for AFL.

    I think of the scenario of say a Premiership where a really good player is targeted to be "taken out" - like get rid of whoever and then that would lessen those available on the bench and give the other team a much better chance of winning the game.  Then the offender (still on the ground) might have the pleasure of being a Premiership Player in a winning team and that would be worth sacrificing a few weeks for the following year wouldn't it???   I think that sort of thing happened to Dermott Brereton in a finals match ages ago.  Even if the take off rule was say 10 or 15 minutes it would stop that idea maybe.

  4. yes i think so look at the hall staker case staker was off for the whole game so hall should of been sent off as well to even thing up

    as i left the eagle one player down even tho i hate the eagles it was unfair on them

    Go Freo

  5. Yes.  But only if it applies to the umpires as well!

  6. NO WAY!!

    We are talking about AFL here, not soccer.  

    To even suggest the send-off rule for AFL is insulting to the true game.

    Hall belts a player and has to continue playing the rest of the match feeling c**p for doing what he did.  Thats better then sending him off the ground to hide his shame!

  7. No

  8. no i dont think so this is AFL not soccer

  9. I thought they did? Dont they have a yellow and red card. I think the read means off for the whole game. And the yellow for 15mins or something. Or is that just the country matches?


    hey guys settle on the thumbs down, In the country matches, well in our league anyway, they do have a send off rule, I know cause our runner got a yellow card for telling the umpie the call was ****. I just thought that was in all footy games. I guess I was wrong!

  10. Yes and NO

    Kenyo is right..

    After Hall king-hit the guy he was off for the rest of the game (didn't know what day of the week it was apparently)

    Which gave the Swans an extra man and the Eagles one less man.

    In extreme cases like this a ump should be able to send a player off for the rest of the game.

    Even better thou, would be to make that player a "free hit" for the opposition for the remainder of the game- to even things up and bring the biff back into the game.

    If a player knew that they would have 18 opposition players after them, they would think twice about king hitting anyone.


  11. yes and no.....

    sometimes players go too far,like barry hall and in that case they should be taken off....

    but if the send-off rule was introduced it would make the game a whole lot different...

  12. yes they should

  13. In junior football at alocal level yes. But not in the main game.

  14. I think they should have a send-off rule for the team on the bottom of the ladder; hear me out

    Whichever team is in 16th place, supporters at their games should have the ability to vote whether or not they want to see anymore of their sh*t performance

    At the end of each quarter, fans can either give the thumbs up or thumbs down

    Now the incentive for teams is to play well and avoid the embarrassment of being on the bottom of the ladder and being sent off by the fans (hint, hint Melbourne)

  15. yea i think they should. they should have taken Barry Hall off the field when he hit Staker, even Hall admitted that he should have been sent off. they are starting to bring it bak in the VFL too, which is good.

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