
Should the AFL introduce Red cards ?

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Some supporters say yes, some say no, if the AFL does it, it could meen a big low for the league, has Hall changed the generations of AFL, this could be a big step, but i want YOU to answer. Should the AFL introduce RED CARDS ?




  1. Only if after a punch has been thrown and the result is ... the player who was hit can't take part in the match from that point on.

    Otherwise you'd have too many players taking dives (like soccer) to get frees and or a player off the ground.

  2. A few years ago when i was playing JAFL in the Under 12s. One of my team mates got a red card for punching a guy. Nothing happened to HER after the incident (ie she was sent off that's it). So if JAFL can send off players for punching So should The AFL.

  3. Yes.

    But don't compare this game with soccer - soccer is tougher.

  4. Personally i think we shouldn't introduce yellow/red card system, i believe the 50 metre penalty is sufficient action for any indiscretions and biffo is dealt with by the match review panel so leave it the way it is! If it is to be introduced then it should first be trialed like all new rules through the preseason competition the NAB cup.

  5. no way the AFL is meant to be the rough sport not the ooooooooohhhhhhhhhh lets copy soccer and be wusses sport. bottom line is the AFL is great how it is well done for coming up with this idea it wouldnt be good to see now i realise that Barry Hall has just stuffed up people for the ages

  6. BIG YES :--- The backs have a job to r****d the forwards , without braking the rules.What HALL done shows he had no respect for the rules of the game. Send him OFF and NOT allow his team to replace him with an interchange player.AFL tribunal. They have only given him one week,the wrist will be the time out of play,the seven weeks should have been started after he was fit to play.

  7. NO, no, no :) Why would a player have to miss the current game as well as another 8 if they've king hit someone.

    They send off in the junior leagues, but that's just sent off until the next quarter and no one can replace you - so you're team has too play a man down.

  8. WE have had send off rules in junior and senior football in Canberra.

    Only time I have seen it here is when players go beserk in Grand Finals. Generally Queanbeyan players when they are losing to Ainslie.

    In junior football in Canberra you can be sent off for the rest of a quarter for swearing.

  9. Yes, red cards should be introduced to AFL.

    With the Hall incident, West coast were left one man down for the rest of the game. Yes Hall has got 7 weeks for it but the only people that benefit from this are the teams the Swans play over this time.

    The team that has been hindered by illegal actions should be the ones that benefit(Or at least don't suffer - Even things out).

  10. Yeah, for sure.

    Because of that thug Hall, WCE had a player short for the rest of the game.....whereas the Sydney had the advantage of playing a team while they themselves had an extra player and all as the result of an unlawful act by them.

    It is not rocket science to work that out.

  11. NO-what rubbish might as well add a yellow card,goal keeper and call it soccer.

  12. you may as well ask 'should AFL be renamed Soccer' since its headed that way..

    no red cards - leave it the way it is

  13. No its AFL not soccer

  14. stay in London.

  15. Nah.. Grass Roots WA have Red Cards and they are only as good as the Umpire using them...

    I think in extreme cases the offender needs to be removed from the field, for say, that quarter, but who decides that?

    I cant see why a coach cant be responsible for that..

    I was surprised Roos left Hall hovering over Staker while he was being seen to by the docs, I thought Roos wouldve firmly place Halls butt on the bench to chill out and have a moment!

  16. NO! AFL don't need to! And I'm surprised to see about a 50% support for the idea >.<

    Besides, the umps get enough c**p as it is... they'll just cop more with this kinda thing introduced.

    Barry Hall's punch was (well should be) a one-off incident. I don't think such offences will happen or will be happening each week. Players don't need to be sent off for the remainder of the match if their not going to be playing for the next 1-4weeks (generally) for the same offence.

    oh and soccer is nowhere near tougher than AFL footy... the only harder thing in soccer is that the terms are longer and soccer gets 1 break to AFL's 3. But this evens out cos total time in AFL is (usually) longer than soccer.

    The gameplay itself, AFL's is much tougher.

    In conclusion, the players don't need red cards to discipline them, the umpires don't need more reason to be criticized and the AFL should remain a unique sport!

    No red cards for AFL

  17. Yes.

    They send off in women's netball - so why not in this game?

  18. yes maybe but this is not soccer it mit hurt if some one punch or kick

  19. i think so, maybe not the red card system but there sould be some in game punishment

  20. No

    The league I play in up North and has the send off rule all it has done has  increased the "diving" by players

    Any hit to the head and if the player takes a dive the chances off a send off are high, last week our captain got sent off in the first quarter the bloke who he "hit" played the whole game. Our captain was then cleared at the judiciary so we played a man down most of the match.

    This would happen in the AFL as well.The umpires have enough decisions to make leave the game as it is.

    As for the Barry Hall incident a send off rule wouldn't have stopped it, as is now known he lost it for a second and belted Staker, the last thing on his mind would have been getting reported. Look at other codes the send off rule doesn't stop players losing their cool.

    The red card rule is not needed in the AFL what happened last weekend was a rarity the players and the clubs are to professional and to much money is at stake.

  21. NO, i am against this, they do it in junior leagues and most other comps, it's c**p, either report them or not, people get sent off for reportable incidents, so they get a big 10 minutes, woopee.  sometimes rest of the game, you can bash someone with one minute to go and not get reported.

    lets not turn our game into soccer completely, i would let it happen if two players slugged it our like ice hockey, then they both go off for 10. any one who joins in gets reported.

    that'd get the biff goin again, oops, I'm in trouble..

  22. If that happens then we woun't be able to pick the ball from our arms

  23. no its not soccer. AFL's a contact sport get over it

  24. Yes, however their would need to be a clear definition. or the  game as we know it now would alter dramatically, but then again, changes have occurred all through the decades.

    The red card would put an end to thuggery, which is the intention.

    Beats me how the game went this long without a red card. Maybe because Australian rules is unique, and it would look like other codes. Hard to say how it would go, but I'm all for it, especially as I saw how bash artists in junior footy received hero worship.

  25. yes a send off rule is needed it is in Junior and some armature leagues

    in regards to AFL a send of would work

    eg player sent off but can be replaced

    in other word still have 18 on the ground

    but the send of would have to be ruled by 2 umpiers (any 2)

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