
Should the American Christians be complacent in the face of government corruption?

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Should the American Christians be complacent in the face of government corruption?




  1. Not at all. A true Christian will stand up to the corruption & evil pervading our country at great personal risk to themselves and their families just to get the true message of Christ across to the majority of devils who will hide under the cloak of "Christianity" in order to fool the great unwashed into accepting their evil as "God's Word". Then these sheep will drive their SUV's to their stadium style churches (the ones with a Starbucks & ATM inside) listen to their "feel good" pastor, & feel quite superior to the poor humble Christian that is suffering because of the "American " version of Christianity. Or they can take the coward's way out & become a Jehovah's witness. They run from truth and surround themselves with lies.

  2. Corruption is the result of no values and no morals...when you eliminate God from Government...Evil will fill that void....Aclu at its best...

  3. Roll over onto your backs and wait for your God to come save you. With but a word, he will end your suffering. That seems to be the obvious mentality, rather than get up off your lazy, god-dependant *** and do something for yourself. I'm not talking about you directly, but rather American Christians and Americans in general.

  4. The reasons Christians do not speak up about corruption int he government is because it will make it look like there is no god. Think about it, before they were conned by Bush into believing he talks to Jesus, I heard many of these religious wackos saying I have prayed to God and he has instructed me to vote for Bush. Now if they go against Bush it looks like their God does not exist. This is the main reason religion should not mix with politics.

  5. Government corruption is an unavoidable condition. The concept of government necessitates larger and larger groups of sinful people making rules and carrying them out. Such an arrangement always leads to corruption; The larger the group of sinners,the more sin is devised and enacted. Such habits of states do not mean that Christians should blithely ignore injustice. On the contrary,God calls His people to defend the oppressed,the poor,the strangers. Particularly when the practice of government directly opposes the laws of God, Christians should speak up for righteousness,and take a stand,and make a difference.

  6. Depends on how YOU look at it...Chrisitans belive all things are under God's control.  So, with that being said, all we can do is pray, and know that God is using whatever is happening for His ultimate good.

    So, while Christians may APPEAR complacent, that doesn't mean they are.

  7. The English Puritans stood up and fought government corruption.

    The Quakers denounced it.

    A pity their descendants on the other side of the Atlantic have neither the principle nor the courage of their ancestors.

  8. No, because We as Christians should be in doing good  and doing good in government is the right of All Americans to participate in the process.   We American Christians are the Government of this Country and We the American Christians reserve the right a say in government.

    Corruption of not we should never stay in complacent with Our Government and Our Rights Under the Constitution.



  9. EVERY government ruled by man, and his boss Satan, is Corrupt.

    I am a Christian, one of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    You are right, America is in many ways corruptly Governed.  As Christians, we Witnesses, regardless of where we live, preach the good news of Jehovah's kingdom, as we feel it the ONLY one that will "work".

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