
Should the American tax payer pay the Gov. or just send it straight to Halliburton which gets it anyway.?

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Bobinn you are an annoyance, I seen first hand the rediculous expenditures in Iraq by Halliburton. I stayed in tents they stayed in $750 per night hotels. We drank their infested water they drank Evian imported from france.22 years Army how about you.




  1. They are probably busy persuading Bush to start a third war with Iran so they can bleed us some more.  There is no end to corporate greed!  Scruples and Halliburton are like oil and water.  My nephew just returned home, after working for them in Iraq for three years.   There is so much the public doesn't know!

  2. What's your problem?  Wouldn't Halliburton hire you?  Maybe they have scrupples after all.

  3. American taxpayers really MUST keep paying their taxes to the US Treasury. Otherwise, Haliburton will not pass the revenues on to any of the other financial, security, defence and chemical outlets which are current beneficiaries of your taxes.

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