
Should the Bernardo tape have been released to the media?

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  1. Honestly I had enough of seeing him in this interview and don't have the patience and desire to see or hear it all the way through. True, he could be sick in the head but I don't need to subject myself to his unremorseful behaviour.

    The one news clip shows him saying that he's human. So HE's worried about HIS image?? and that HE's human??? But his victims weren't? Something he should have thought about when he did those horrific and unmentionable things years ago to others.

    I don't see the benefit of the video's release to the media/public. Especially the victims' families don't need to have that thrown in their face wherever they turn. Even after all these years they will still be healing and to re-hash this is not fair to them.

    On top of it, he's had enough undue prominence and recognition and in a person's mind like his that's all they're looking for. Because it obviously seems that he hasn't changed at all.

    It's enough that he's been all over the news years ago describing everything step-by-step. And now to bring him 'back out' to the public is unnecessary.

    I'm not quite sure how the video is supposed to help the media except to give them the opportunity to keep sensationalizing his life. There's more exposure of his life than those of his victims.

    They say 'too much of a good thing'? Well, this is 'too much of a bad thing'.

  2. The media would have plastered that thing all over the news and h**l with society as it is today people who have watched it a hundred times. So I say no.

  3. Yes. The tape is fun for the whole family.

  4. I think it should not been released to the media. I am considering the situation of the family of both parties, the murderer and the victims.

  5. Sorry, I can't......because I don't know the whole story.......if you send me the whole story then I can give you the proper answer.........

    Good Luck for your future!!

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