
Should the Brewers release Ben Sheets after his performance last night?

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Should the Brewers release Ben Sheets after his performance last night?




  1. no they should though trade CC and Ryan Braun to the Angels. that would be a great deal

  2. no cuz he's just going to leave at the end of the year like cc

  3. Maybe you should try a career in comedy!

    Then again, maybe not.

  4. you dont just release someone because of one bad game

  5. :::sarcasm switch on:::

    of course they should!!

    then they should trade CC Sabathia for 300 lbs of beer, Ryan Braun for a cheaply made quilt, andJJ Hardy for a 1984 Volkswagen Sciraco

    :::sarcasm switch off:::

    is this a serious question or are you just baked out of your mind right now?

  6. If they did realease Sheets, that would go down as the dumbest baseball decision in MLB history to this date. Sheets started for the NL in the allstar game. Would you release Ryan Braun if he went 0 for 4.

  7. No.  

    Everyone has a bad day.  Especially pitchers.  I wouldn't read too much into 1 bad start either way.  

    If you're off as a pitcher, just by a few inches or a few MPH one day, you go from striking guys out to getting shellacked in no time.

  8. Are you the same guy who asked if the Cards would release Pujols? Are you a rabid Cubs fan, perhaps? Of course they won't release him. No team ever releases a good player. No team ever even cares if a player has one bad game. It happens. These are perhaps the most ill-informed questions I've ever seen.

  9. No....the Cubs do that to a lot of pitchers. And he only had trouble in one inning. The rest he basically dominated. Plus he was pitching against Big Z and the series against the Cubs probably has put alot of pressure on the whole team.

  10. Why release him? Because he had a bad night and in a mild bad streak/funk? LOL. If that were the case 80% of SP would be traded each and every day due to their performance. Despite his off outing, where was The Brewers offense, to try and help him out? It was a disastrous game for Brewers all the way around. Simple.

  11. Yes, after one bad performance, a team should release their ace (sarcastic)

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