
Should the Buck be separated from Doe after she gives birth?

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My Doe rabbit has just given birth to one rabbit. We have separated the Buck into another cage but are wondering if this is for the best. They seem to miss each other. Is it same to allow him in the same cage as the Doe and her Baby? Thankyou for all answers.




  1. Yes.  Keep them separated.  The doe may get aggressive and attack him or she may be stressed into killing or ignoring the babies.  Keep the cages side by side until the babies are weaned. 4-6 weeks.

    If you'd really like your rabbits to enjoy their time together, find a vet who will neuter your male.  It's an easy, relatively cheap procedure.

  2. yes you will need to seperate them.  The buck could attack the baby and new mothers are notoriously edgy at are prone to attacking the males, especially when they try to mate again too soon.

  3. yes! for the buck may not like the baby. keep them apart for a little while then put them together with mesh between them if they start to h8 each other then you have a problem but it there are no problem then they can be put back together

  4. The buck and doe should never have been kept together at all. Each rabbit should have it's own cage. The buck will immediately breed with and impregnate the doe as soon as she is done kindling. She may even be carrying kits right now that are different ages. Doe rabbits have a uterus that separates in to 2 horns. When she is bred she can implant the eggs in one side then breed again and implant eggs in the other half of the uterus.

    Rabbits are not human the do not have emotions like we do. They do not miss each other.

    if you keep them together the doe will end up either killing the kits or neglecting them completely.

    Please do some more research before you breed them again.

    **EDIT** To all the other posters who said the buck will kill the kits- this is not true it is the doe who will kill the kits. They often do this if they feel the kits are in danger. They will kill them as a means of protecting themself. Makes no snese but is what happens. Also the doe may attack and kill the buck after he has bred her again.

  5. Yes they need to be kept seperate. Unfortunately the Buck will kill the baby!

  6. Never allow the buck near the babies, male animals typically are not friendly towards any babies, even their own.  He might kill the babies or harrass the doe until she stops caring for them.  They'll be fine alone for a few weeks.  You can push the cages together so they can sniff each other through the bars.

  7. yes ,if you dont the buck will kill the kits and the doe will eat them

  8. NO! the buck will eat the baby! I am serious. We did not know that my rabbit had babbies once, and when we found them, the dad had one in his mouth, and the other 3 were dead. You can out the dad in there to see the babby when its about 3-4 weeks old and can run to protect itself. But make sure you watch! Congrads on the new babby! I have 7 new kits here too. 2 morem moms due anyday! Any qstions, feel free to ask anything!

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