
Should the CEO's of Exxon get rich at the expense of the American People????????

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Should the Shareholders and CEO's of Exxon get richer at the expense of the American People who can not afford to buy groceries or go on vacation because of Gas Prices????????If gas is .05 a Gallon in Iraq why is it $3.98 a Gallon here????????




  1. Exxon provides goods that people need.  I see nothing wrong with them making a profit.  If they make too much of a profit for too long, their competitors will undercut them and the free market system will fix that.

    You are blaming Exxon for market conditions that are largely a matter of increasing worldwide demand while supply is not increasing.  You might as well blame the Chinese and Indian people for getting richer and driving more (not that I am blaming them, but at least it makes more sense.)

  2. Absolutely! Its our fault for being so reliant upon someone else for oil. Its like hating the grocer for upping the price of milk, if you're reliant upon that grocer, then who's problem is it really?

  3. that is what america is based on.  If you changed that, we would totally fall apart.

    You probably think we should share everything in america so that everyone is on equal an footing.  You only think that because you want something someone else earned.  People in poorer countries think that America should share all of it's wealth with them.  Because they want what you have?  How does that sound to you?  The same way your request sounds to others!!!

    Gas is NOT $0.05 in iraq.  It was under the dictator to make his people becasue they were dumb and liked the guy because of this.  Guess you want our government to give you $0.05 gas?

    Yes it is cheaper there than in the US, but you also have to wait in line for 3 hours and have a good chance of being shot at while you are waiting.

    BTW, in parts of Europe, gas is over $8/gallon (coverted to $ and to gallons).  Stop compaining and start doing something about it.

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