
Should the Commonwealth be abolished?

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Should the Commonwealth be abolished?




  1. i understand the common wealth to be the queen of england ...correct? in that case no it shouldnt... but they should share their welth more with the people of the kindom because if it not for them the queen wouldnt be the queen... and they wouldnt have foof from the farmers,and trinkets from the towns people... they should really share more with their subjects...



  2. No, it would be like getting rid of EU or UN. There would be no point.

  3. 'Couse not, its doing no harm, and how would we all draw together and beat each other in the Commonwealth games otherwise? We would have to wait 4 years like everyone else for the olympic games!

  4. Just to clarify what the Commonwealth (one word) is: in order to make it more apparent that, after the turn of the last century, many of the countries within the British Empire were capable of self government and were not subordinate within the organisation or at least able to control local affairs themselves. Therefore, the name of the British Empire was changed to the British Commonwealth, with dominions such as Canada and Australia being totally self-governing and on equal status with Britain herself and with a common allegiance to the crown. This was laid out by the Westminster Proclamation.

    Now many of those nations, especially in the West Indies, Asia and Africa are totally independent of Britain but are members, voluntarily of an organisation now simply called the Commonwealth. There are regular meetings and the best comparison is a smaller version of the UN with less power. It concentrates on improving the welfare of poorer countries, there are also the Commonwealth Games which are like the plympics but obviously only for members of the Commonwealth.

    Currently Zimbabawe (called Southern Rhodesia under British rule) are suspended from the Commonwealth for obvious reasons.

  5. There is no reason to abolish it, and it's existence has merit.

    Or if you prefer monosyllables, "No"

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