
Should the Dolphin Slaughter stop?

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i think Dolphins are the smartest,most beautiful animal ever.In Japan,they are killing them!should they stop?say ur opinion




  1. Let me put it this way; the cetaceans have had brains at least the size of ours for 30 million years, or since Australia and Antarctica were part of the same continent.  If the earth has been visited by extraterrestrials in the past 30 million years, the cetaceans could probably tell us about it, if we could only understand their language.

    The odds that we are alone in the universe have grown infinitesimally smaller with the discovery that most of the stars around us have planets around them, and I think it is now possible to say that we are not alone without a reasonable doubt.  So why haven't we been contacted?  Maybe because they've been here all along, right under our noses, so to speak, and we haven't even had the grace to notice.  

    In all probability, the cetaceans have been part of the galactic family since before our ancestors even climbed up into the trees, much less descended there from.  Does it make sense that they would avoid contact with us until the cetaceans gave their okay?  By continuing this senseless slaughter, we could be bolting shut the door to the stars, and we could even be helping the extraterrestrials make up their minds about what to do about the dolphins' human problem.

    We've already been given a very clear warning.  Remember the UFO cattle mutilations, where UFOs killed several head of cattle and surgically removed their jaws and genitals.  That was about dolphins that were being harvested by the Japanese along with the fish the dolphins were feeding on.  The Japanese were cutting off the beaks and cutting out the genitals for the Asian market, and then throwing the mortally wounded but still alive dolphins back into the sea to die.  

    Fortunately, those responsible for the dolphin slaughter got the message and announced loudly and publicly the following day that they were discontinuing that practice.  That may have been our first and only coherent message from the extraterrestrials ever, and you certainly have to admire their restraint and choice of media.  You also have to give them credit for having a pretty profound understanding of us to be able to craft a communication that skillfully and effectively.

    That may have beed our first coherent communication from outer space, but we have received at least one from the dolphins themselves, and I saw this one with my own eyes.  I was out narrating a whale watch trip, and suddenly, we were surrounded by dolphins so rare and so shy we only had pictures of dead ones, and I had to check the book to be sure of the identification.  They were Risso's dolphins (Grampus grisseus), and I'd never even seen one before in all my years at sea.  Our boat wasn't the only boat surrounded by them.  We could tell by the radio chatter that they were surrounding every whale watch boat from Santa Barbara to San Diego, and they have continued to do that to this day.  The day before that unforgettable Wednesday, the International Whaling Commission passed a world-wide moratorium on whaling.  Somebody they knew was obviously following the human news and keeping them posted.  Who could that have been?

    Before we go killing any more dolphins, mightn't it be wise to at least begin to explore just what we're dealing with in Order Cetacea?  It just might be that the cetaceans have been waiting very patiently for us to become conscious enough to recognize them for what they are and to approach them before bringing in extraterrestrial interpreters.

    Can you think of a better reason not to kill them?

    The cetaceans are the mother of all living room elephants.

  2. Killing of any living thing (other than gross bugs)  should stop immediately.

  3. No question.  Yes, it needs to stop.  It is barbaric and unnecessary to feed the population.  I have seen a video of a dolphin slaughter and it is horrible.  The dolphins know what is happening and know there is no escape.  You can see it in their eyes.

  4. The slaughter of dolphins is completely irrational, and should stop immediately - not so much because of whether or not dolphins are smart, peaceful, beautiful or not - but because there is absolutely no reason to kill them.

    They aren't harvested for food, or even with the extremely weak justification of protecting fish stocks - they are killed because it is "traditional".  They've always killed dolphins, and so they keep doing it, like autistic kids banging their head on the wall, just because they've always done it.

    Even if dolphins were ill-tempered, looked like a cross between a warthog and barf, and were stupider than Paris Hilton, I'd still want the killing to stop.

  5. Yes and whales.

  6. I don't like it either. Japan is so high tech in everything else, why can't they figure out that they're going to end up eradicating the dolphins around Japan?


    I DON'T belong to PETA and I'm NOT a tree hugger. I'm just a guy that loves animals.

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