
Should the Dutch send their apaches into Georgia and take out Russian tanks?

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Should the Dutch send their apaches into Georgia and take out Russian tanks?




  1. No European power would risk a war with Russia to save an American puppet president.

  2. where do the Dutch fit in this picture? Why would they?

  3. Someone should...Putin lied about the reason.

  4. The war is over and the Dutch better send their apaches to take out the muslims which are taking over their country.

  5. Dutchman you are late with your apaches coz Georgian borders are under control of Russia and Turkey, Georgian sky is under control of Russia, too;  

  6. I don't think that your Government (if you are Dutch) has ever examined such a possibility, so expressing you personal wishes reflect reflect your equally personal feelings for Russians.  

  7. why you don't like Dutch soldiers and want their death?

  8. Here we go again, Russian "patriots" threatening everyone with death and destruction.

    To answer the question, no I think it's a lot more desirable to stop Russia using diplomacy and economic sanctions.

    To Kam - It's been over a week Russian and S.O. control S.O. and half of Georgia. So far the world has yet to see a single proof of Genocide Russians and S.O separatists claim. It would not be that hard to publish a photo or video of 2000 dead they claim if it was true.

    HRW reported 44 dead after 3 day long battle in Tskhinvali, including military and civilians. That was verified by several independent sources.

    So, there is no need to post Russian propaganda BS which is a lie to justify Russian aggression and invasion.

    How good is Russia in protecting their own citizens was shown in 2 Chechen wars when Russians killed over 300,000 civilians using carpet bombings, surface to surface missiles and other weapons.

    Also, in Nord-Ost and Beslan hostage situations brave Russian spetsnaz managed to kill half of the hostages when freeing them.

    Gimme a break, Russia as a protector? They just want to restore "great Russia" and bullying small neighbors.

  9. Some one should send some kind of blistering equipment into there and scorch the ***'s off putin and the bears. Those KGB guys are not the answer for any government anywhere on this planet.

  10. They shouldn't, but I would like them to try and lose their apaches to the Russians.

  11. Ha-Ha. Really, don't you like Dutch people???

  12. Dutch should first decide who they want to help.

    Georgia - who commited genocice against its own people


    Russia - who protected them.

  13. Oh, yes, please send the Dutch apaches (????) to bomb the Russians with cheese, but see that the pilots have had before a good dose of hash**** too, so that they find their target easily... :-)

    They can also through Delft ceramics against the Russian tanks.  

    Please do.

    I haven't had a good lough for months...

  14. NO WAR!


  15. Too late, and Russians have one of the best aircraft ...

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