
Should the EU investigate the Portuguese police?

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I mean after using a pack of lies to pretend to have "evidence", then offering a "light sentence" to people in a pressure interview for 8 hours. This without a single atom of real evidence just lies which were cancelled shortly after. This is 2007 not Salazar fascist time.




  1. The EU should not investigate any sovereign country's police system. I don't see how they could. There are international organizations like Interpol where the police of a country cooperates with their foreign colleagues. The EU is not the internal control. This is the job for NGOs and well established, trusted organizations like AI. As for the illegal detentions, deaths in prison, maltreatment of detainees and their human rights, it's a universal problem. My experience is that the most dangerous cases happen in countries that don't even allow investigation and consider themselves above the law.

    And the UK citizens don't need to do anything special 'to become Europeans'. They already are.

  2. There are 27 states in the EU.  Many have corrupt police forces.  The Portuguese are far from the worst.  We have 40 regular police forces in England and Wales.  Some of them make the Portuguese police seem like angels.

  3. You are right, sonny. The 'culture' of investigation and questioning of The Police in Portugal has to be .......

    That is better done by Internatrional-condemnation, by some regulatory body. It may well be, according to one of the defence-Portugese-Soliciitors, that the Portugese-system is just old-fashioned. I have never felt ill-at-ease in a Police-Station in Britain, for example. ( Disturbing The Peace ( while drunk ( weeing in someones' garden ( once )))) .  

    I hope the lad gives them a right tounge-lashing, and their monsterous press as well.

    ( And International Newspapers ? -France-Soir, for example. They deserve a good going at ! What kind of Children are we bringing-up, to produce Journalists like those ? We wouldn't have won Two World-Wars, that's for sure ! ( They must be the Vichey-Bosch-Soir. I don't want an evening with them Journalists. AND while we are at it, MAY WE FINALLY HAVE A REFERENDUM ON BANNING ONCE AND FOR ALL, 'THE SUN' NEWSPAPER ? ( England .) The Editor is more or less pleading to be banned. Let us give him his wish. Contact your M.P.'s NOW ! ( The Page-Threes will return ( naturally ) to 'The Daily Mirror' ! So no unemployment there. For the Girls, they may have a 'Page-13'. A Lad in a Suit / Trunks / smart-leisure-wear. There Girls - is that worth a relationship of your neices, then ?))).

    The Lad is OBVIOUSLY INNOCENT - you just have to look at his face. It is beneath him to even protest his innocence to these murderous charges. I hope he sees it as his duty eventually, when the Time is Right, to stuff the Portugese-Police and Newspapers around The World. ( Don't forget everybody, "Stuff 'The Sun' in England" ).

  4. The EU cannot investigate, the Council of Europe maybe, different organisation more members, but same flag, though human rights is their remit.

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