
Should the Falklands be given to Argentina?

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Should the Falklands be given to Argentina?




  1. Not if it goes against the wishes of the island's inhabitants, which at the moment, it does.

  2. Wrong Sparkey..........................Retaini... the Falklands was not some whim on the part of Maggie Thatcher in 1982.

    It is all about Sovereign Territory and MINERAL RIGHTS ie Oil deposits in and around Antarctica. That's why the Argies wanted them back. There are Billions of barrels of of oil and unknown quantities of natural gas in the area.

    So the quick answer is NO.

  3. Not unless they want to be.... Isn't it their choice?

  4. i dont see why not they are no use to us and as long as the islanders are happy

  5. I should imagine that this question has been posted as a "wind up". The Falkland Islands are British,  they will remain so until the Falklandese decide otherwise, which I can never foresee happening. they at least are appreciative of the blood that the British forces spilled to guard their freedom. Any British government that even dares to think of handing over these British islands to argentina is guilty of the most heinous form of treason !

  6. No!It has never belonged to the Argentinians.Besides  oil has been discovered down there!!

  7. You cannot be serious!

    In this world any peice of land, whether it is an island or a continent is valuable for strategic reasons and for monetry reasons, apart from the obvious human reasons. In case you have never noticed, Britian is very backward, in coming forward, when it comes to giving away anything that she owns, and quite rightly so! As far as the oil and gas in the Falklands is concerned, it is owned by the islanders, they formed themselves into a company and control the rights. Do you think that Argentina would allow them to keep what they now have? I doubt it very much.

  8. No..

  9. Absolutely not. Just because it is nearer to Argentina than the U.K. does not mean it belongs to them. The population of the islands want to remain British. If you go down that road then France should be given the Channel Islands. Another point to consider is that  countries with borders on the Antarctic share mineral rights, Therefore us having the Falklands gives us a share of such rights

  10. No, the Falklands should remain British. One day when the Muslim herds take over Britain, the Falklands will be the one and only British Island.

  11. NO, NO NO, NO. Hope I made that plain enough.

  12. That ought to be a matter for the inhabitants to decide.

    However, a lot of British service personnel died to keep it British when the islands were invaded, 25 years ago, I am sure that the British are not going to accept that these lives were sacrificed for no reason.

    The time to consider ownership was prior to the fighting, never after.

  13. The suggestion that the islanders should be subjected to Argentinian standards of democracy and equality would be laughable........

    .....if it weren't so dangerous

  14. Then all those lives lost in 1982 would have been for nothing...NO WAY!!!

  15. Argentina had their chance and they blew it big time. The Falklands are British and will always be British. Especially if those Benny's - aka Falkland Islanders - have any say in the matter. Trust me when I say I know a few Benny's and they would fight tooth and nail against any and every notion/policy/plan to become part of Argentina.

  16. Why on earth should they be?

    1) The islands are over 400 miles from Argentina, they're not in rowing-boat distance.

    2) A fundamental principle of international law is that the inhabitants decide where a place belongs to. There were no permanent inhabitants before the British arrived in 1830, and the current inhabitants have made it plain that they want to stay British.

    3) The islands were never a part of Argentina; the Spanish Viceroyalty claimed them, but never permanently settled them.

    4) The islands have a full 200 nautical mile exclusive economic zone, controlling fisheries and claiming oil and other minerals in the area.

  17. Certainly not.  The Falkland Islanders have no wish to be part of Argentina, they want to remain British.

  18. No!

  19. Falklands should be returned to Argentina it belongs to them how would we like it if Argentina had The Isle Of Man/I suspect one day Oil will be found there,the days of sending a Gun Boat and taking land by force are over and this country has a lot to answer for.

  20. NO WAY!!!

    You won't like I don't remember when we used to own a quarter of the globe & how we own the smallest province around.

  21. Yeah, why not?

  22. why would you ask?

    The Argentina claim is based on the Spanish ship that sailed some where in the area

    the British claim is the people who have been living there for how long??????/(who just happen to prefer British Justice to Argentine--

    wanna move??????????????

  23. today or tomorrow, yes.

    to built a better relationship wit Argentina.

  24. I can't think of any good reason why it should be.  The islands are in better hands as they are.  Argentina is not so hot at looking after the land they have already.  



  25. no

  26. No.I believe Britain conquered them,it is theirs.

  27. NEVER!

  28. Get your rear end, down, to Port Stanley, my friend, - I'm CERTAIN, that the Islanders, themselves, will provide you, with the ONLY answer, that you're likely, to GET, on the subject, - to wit, a DAMNED GOOD THRASHING, for having the AUDACITY, to SUGGEST it, - EVEN, as a POSSIBILITY, for the FUTURE!

    The Islanders WANT to STAY BRITISH!

    End OF!

  29. Let's get it right , people. The Falkland islands have NEVER belonged to Argentina, we took them from Spain.


    Falkland Islanders wish to remain British, and since it is a central tenet of democracy that people should determine their own destiny, that would seem to resolve the question.

  30. Why?

    If they want to it they should put in an offer...

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