
Should the Federal Government be able to search your home without a warrant?

by  |  earlier

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If you own guns, should they also be able to confiscate the weapons without a warrant?




  1. NO, not without probable cause and a signed warrant.  The Second Ammendment allows U.S. citizens the right to have firearms.  There's not too many people who have faith or trust in our government.  Such as, Ruby Ridge, Waco, or the current situation we American are in right now.  The Government is suppose to be there to protect the people.  However, the Government exists to protect themselves from the people!!!

  2. First off, a warrant requires the signature and seal of a judge or magistrate backed up by an affidavit, signed under penalty of perjury attesting to the known facts in the case.

    Second, the US Constitution constrains the government, preventing unwarranted searches and seizures.

    The Patriot Act is an attempt to circumvent these constraints. Many warrants are unlawful at face value. It is only the ignorance of the people that makes illegal searches even possible.

  3. no, this is America buddy, go to China or n**i Germany if u wanna do things like that

  4. Heh, that would get ugly.  I fully encourage them to do what they have to and I will do what I have to.

  5., it is illegal to search a house without warrant even if they are working from the govt. YOu can file it in court.....

  6. No I do not support the Patriot Act in this way. You should always need a warrant to go into someones home. Weapons or none. Granted a warrant can be a pain to get especially if you need it for good reason. Criminal acts going on. But those laws were to protect everyone. Not criminals.

    Gun owners should not have to worry about their guns being taken if they are not committing crimes.

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