
Should the Federal Government reward the conversion of a home water heater to a Solar powered model?

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A couple of points to this question. First, what do you think of Solar Powered water heating solutions? Second, should homeowners be rewarded by doing a conversion from their current water heating solution? Third, if a reward is appropriate, should it come from the Federal Government?




  1. The reward should come from fuel savings.

    If the government rewards it, it will be frought with beauracracy and fraud.  

    If solar water heaters are cost effective they will sell like hotcakes.  Right now, fossil fuels are CHEAP.

    When you consider the cost of installation, maintenance and equipment life, solar water heaters are a joke.  

    The technology is on the shelf waiting for high fossil fuel costs.  We're not there yet.

  2. They all ready do but you must hurry because the Federal credit ends in 2008.  If the Democratic Legislature really cares about global warming then they will extend it this year so watch your news and see if it happens.

    Check out

  3. Any solar conversion is a plus, and yes they should give bigger incentives than they already do, so should the states and the local governments. People need a solid incentive program to start making the switch.  Solar hot water is excellent. and it works, absolutely, you can build your own as well.

    I own a Renewable Energy Business

  4. 1. A solar powered water heater is a plus,it works it is also efficient.

    2.Homeowners are  rewarded with tax credit , also the reward is in the contribution you will make by choosing the best alternative.

    3. Question is void by previous answer.

    The government needs to become alot more aggressive in promoting a greener society.Leadership by example is a tried and true method .

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