
Should the G8 keep its promises?

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£25 billion was pledged in aid in 2005 and only 14% of that has been raised by G8 members.

'Britain, America and Germany have raised their development budgets by enough to redeem their pledges. But France, Canada and Italy have not.'




  1. No!Why should the British taxpayer support 'tinpot' African regimes!The money spent on Africa could be better spent on items such as cancer research and cancer detection and our Health Service!Let Africa fend for itself!

  2. they always agree then disagree so they can return next year for another freebee party on countrys expense , the g8 summits have never been effective cos they dont want to be ,its more about being seen to do the right thing !.

  3. corruption

  4. Have you forgotten that these are politicians?

  5. Why waste any money on Africa, a continent whose people have mainly been the engineers of their own plight?

    Corruption, incompetence, greed, hypocrisy, laziness and despotic governments are the main causes of Africa's ills.

    While India has significantly improved its world position since independence, most countries in Africa are considerably poorer than when they were 'exploited?!' by their colonial masters.

    Time to stop wasting our money on Africa and leave it to evolve or die.

  6. Maybe because France and Italy have no money to give....don't you think ???

  7. Well when you make a promise the whole point is to keep it. So yes, however this is the G8, what do you expect? The double standards and hypocrisy of the G8 is unbelievable.

  8. There are children suffering violence and abuse in the UK, now, as we are all enjoying our internet fun.

    Children are starving, HERE, TONIGHT.

    Some fathers are doing to their daughters what most fathers would be upset to find out their girls were doing with boyfriends.

    Some mothers are standing by doing nothing or even helping them to do it.

    When we have sorted out our own mess it will be time to help others, not until then.


  9. It's a bad time for everyone at moment in terms of money. But yes they should but the world's not perfect

  10. This is only more evididence why this "one world, one government" model is such c**p.

    NONE of these countries plan to give up their economic advantages.   None of them were in the past, which is why US President Bush walked away from Kyoto.    WHY should his country be the only one following the rules, and therefore giving up a key economic advantage.

  11. Yes they should but i doubt that it will happen.

    France is broke they barely have enough for thereselves but Canada and Italy im not sure why they havent.

    It really all goes down to money would you give someone money if you arent going to get anything back.

  12. France again you could'nt trust them frogs to do anything. of course the G8 should keep their promises if not what the point of having the hole thing

  13. yes ;)

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