
Should the GOP be DISBANDED for perpetrating fraud and hypocrisy upon this nation?

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This is no longer a political party, right? It's a tool of big oil and multinational companies that pull American leaders into doing their bidding.

The RNC is staged and the arena is not half full. Most people are not interested in their phony appeals.

Should citizens elevate other parties and leave the GOP corporate flack party out of American politics?




  1.    Dream on guess you will have to wait another 4 years to try to get some more free government cookies wont ya?    The Republican Party is still the party that represnts what America does best . Americas business is business. Americas business is not handing out freebies to vocal lil people that throw temper tantrums to get their way.----Mark my words because they will come back to haunt you the Democratic Party will be exposed for the fraud and the circus freak show that it has become, its on the verge of a major implosion. You can fool some of the people some of the time but you cant fool all of us all of the time, we are onto you and you are about to pay a heavy price for your folly.  

  2. They should be disbanded and banned from ever voting again.

    Their opinions are useless.

    Just look at the clown they voted into office these past 8 years.


  3. Citizens are free to associate with any political party, but I think the flood of volunteers signing up for the McCain campaign are rather excited by the McCain-Palin ticket.  

  4. Perpetuating fraud? Yeah, google 'voting fraud' and see which party you come up with. Voter intimidation, as well. You think your party is the moral party because they want to give people free stuff. Free stuff doesn't come from nothing. It comes from the people who work for a living. In no way does your party have the 'moral high ground.'  

  5. Half of America thinks you are wrong.  If the Democrats lose another presidential election, they may need to rethink things.

  6. i think they are totally wrong for trotting a woman out there thinking that all hillary supporters would wet themselves and come running to vote for them without taking a look at the woman they chose. she aint no hillary thats for sure !! and to think hillary supporters would be so stupid to vote for reagan in a skirt is just too funny  

  7. they're reeling without direction. they're losing the far right because of prior betrayals. they lost the center long ago. there aren't enough oil company execs to vote them into office. the Greedy Oil Party is in big trouble.  

  8. Well, isn't that wish full thinking? !!!  Ha ha ha ha....

    I agree with you....and also, tried to watch the rnc, was pretty boring.  In particular the guy announcing everyone. Rudys' speech was pretty dull, he kept pausing to see if anyone would clap.  Sure did not like the choice of duo singing 'america the beautiful'.  and half the stadium was empty!!!  I mean really, it looked like my grandparents pinochle club.  Go figure, if this party means to change the way things are done in this county, they're gonna have to convince a lot more young people to get involved in the Republican party.  I"m still voting Obama, nothings changed my mind....

  9. Thanks for the two points...

  10. 50% of the Nation would disagree!  Only elitist liberals like yourself would even think of silencing people they disagree with... it's just like the "fairness doctrine" trying to rob people of a voice...

    what ever happened to "I may not agree with what you have to say but I will defend to the death your right to say it!"??

  11. LOL ... you are funny ... to bad all you say is foundless and irrational ...

  12. Course not. The conservatives in the GOP need to seize back control from the neocons, that's all. In a way, the GOP needs to lose this election in order for them to rebuild. Parties in democratic countries can only ever be rebuilt in opposition. There is no way a party can sort out its internal woes while trying to govern. You see it worldwide The conservative party in Australia is just beginning a messy process of rebuilding after losing govt in 2007. The Tories in the UK have been in the wilderness for 11 years and will probably kick out New Labour in 2010.  

    It's just the way it is.

  13. I'm starting to think we need to round them up and give them all psych evaluations.

    No, really.  I do!  I'm not kidding!

  14. Oh, hello there!

    You are heavily dispalying earth traits: "ignorance" and "retardation"

    R2 also notes that earth trait: "hypocrisy" is rampant among the American Left.

    I concur.

  15. I think you should lead the way. You seem well informed and elaborate in your charges. I especially loved the part where you cited the evidence for this multinational conspiracy and its specific connections to every single living republican. And the way you reconstructed the web of deceit they persistently spew as it pertains to phony appeals.

    You have made a very elegant and detailed list of the frauds they have perpetrated. We are all better people for having read your question.

  16. The Republicans are America's party. The left is just that.

  17. Peggy Noonan and Mike Nurphy says it's Over for the Republicans and they're

  18.   I think they should be take'n out and shoot ! not really just shoot

  19. Oh no - another angry libbie that's burned up over hearing the truth come at them like a freight train -, now.  It seems to me that the hypocrisy and fraud is all wrapped up in the mind of one man:  Obama - and that's just what he's going to bring to Washington if elected; he's going to prove to this nation the kind of idiot he really is; fraudulent and a complete hypocrit - a real, genuine flip-flopper!   It sounds like you're upset and angry that the RNC was full of nothing but sheer, straightforward truths - and when the truth comes out, it hurts like a sword in the gut, doesn't it?  Well, now that you've just been fed the REAL truth about your 'Messiah and his kin', you better take an aspirin and go to bed!

    Edit: Penguino:  Didn't you mean 'Hitler-y Rotten Klingon'??

  20. ... big oil manipulating  fundamentalist religion into worshipping Mammon

    "... I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical ...

           and rose reincarnate in the ghostly clothes of jazz in

                  the goldhorn shadow of the band and blew the

                  suffering of America's naked mind for love into

                  an eli eli lamma lamma sabacthani saxophone

                  cry that shivered the cities down to the last radio

  21. Last time I checked fraud and hypocrisy in politics and washington came from republicans, democrats, independents...yeah pretty much every political party.

  22. I would not say they need disbanding, but the GOP definitely needs revamping. RNC has not really been what I hoped for in the long run. It seems all the speakers are doing is smear tatics and mud slinging all in the name of Big Oil and a war that no one is really winning.

    Now this seems fun at first, but I (unlike most people who side with democrats or republicans) really look at ALL issues the candidates are on, support and are against. Not one time did I hear during the RNC a mention of the foundation and what we can expect (change wise). At least with the DNC all the speakers voiced some of the issues and concerns and mentioned ideals and strategies.. Its a start at least).

    I don't like saying this, but there is no other way around it...... the RNC is playing out to be nothing more than a name calling event towards what republicans feel are "liberal tree huggers" and using scare tatics to emphasis the fact that Barack is an African American. (now with most of this country bieng undercover racists, doesn't anyone find this a little bizarre that the RNC is focusing on this issue in discreet manners?? (think Bill O'Riley and how he always addresses minority politicians and business leaders as being "inexperienced" and "un-patriotic". Thats code for "non-white blooded American" people, wake up)

    And whats so amazing to me is that most Democrats are not really tree huggers (or enviromentalist). The majority of Democrats SUPPORT big oil businesses (just as the republicans). They just believe we need to be the FIRST country to discover more efficient ways of supplying energy needs. (Think for a second, the USA was the FIRST country to mass produce automobile and several innovations in the industry... that is until a little unknown company call Honda came along and changed everything... now most gun toating republicans are drive freaking hybrid Civics and Altimas... wheres the AMERICAN PATRIOTISM.... freaking sell outs)  

  23. No. The arena was completely full.

  24. if you do not want to be an American LEAVE! this is America and we have events to choose our next president. If you dont like them dont watch. You have no idea what you are talking about and you are completely brainwashed. what is wrong with you???

  25. i feel sorry for you, another misinformed obama supporter.   I'll bet you can't name 1 thing Obama has done good for our country.  He has been in the Senate for 2 years, he has had the power to introduce change.  Where is the change?  He can't even make time to vote.  Let's just say he is "present"

  26. They should have been dealt with a long time ago with the Gore/Bush "election" but tsk tsk is is a "democracy" right??

  27. No way!  Like most leftists you can't see the forrest for the trees.  GOV Palin is a breath of fresh air.  She is everything Hillary Rotton Klinton is not.  And Hussein is not even in the same league as Senator McCain.  The selection of the GOV was a brilliant stroke that will probably turn the tide and run the leftists off!

  28. You wish.

  29. Obama is the one who is a fraud and the hypocrite...I think you are confused..

  30. I think you need a window in your belly so you can see where you are going

  31. Yes, I also support the type of censorship you are advocating.  But first we must take away all their guns so they can't revolt or fight back when we put them in the re-education camps we will establish in order to have them see things our way.

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