
Should the Hamilton Tigercats stick with Jason Maas after proving hes no better then last year?

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Or start the great youngster Timmy Chang




  1. I would give Maas, one or two more games to show something.  If he plays like the first game there will be absolutely no hope.

  2. You've got to try Chang eventually. Maas didn't prove he was good enough for the starting job after the loss against Calgary. Hamilton obviously doesn't look like they are going to have a big year, and Chang is their only hope. They might not do it until the 3rd or 4th game, but eventually they are going to have to face the fact that Jason Maas is not that good. Chang is a great prosepect and he may be what the Ti-Cats need to turn everything around. What do they have to lose, why wouldn't they give it a shot. I say they wait a couple more games to see what he can do, but eventually they will have to go with Chang, unless Maas starts doing incredible. But Hamilton already put Chang in for the end of the Calgary game, so if he can't even last one game, I don't see why they think he would be able to start the next.

    To Gwydyon:

    You can't just fix the O-Line. That would take a lot of work, and they would lose money plus players to just simply "fix" the O-Line. QB comes before O-Line. You can't make a ton of transactions to fix the line, then just find out that neither QBs are good. Just try out Chang after giving Maas a good chance, then see if he is better. After that, you can make extra adjustments.

  3. One game and you want to dump him?  Come on, he has to throw, but people have to catch as well, others have to protect to give him time to throw, and somebody has to be able to kick.  It is a team game, and if you want to dump Maas after the first game, you have to dump the whole team,  You would also have to argue Montreal should dump Calvillo, he didn't win, either.

  4. Fix the O-line first.  A quarterback is only as good as his O-line.

    Situations, like Hamilton, where the team becomes a graveyard for quarterbacks should not be blamed on the QB.  Sooner or later the team has to realize that the QB's failure is a symptom, not a cause.

    This being said, in extraordinary circumstances, that one perfect quarterback can make the difference (perfect example is Tom Brady's Patriots...or when Flutie took over the Argos).  I doubt Maas, or Chang, would be such a specimen, though.

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