
Should the NBA make a Hall of Fame specifically for players that really stink?

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If they did, Kwame Brown would be the first person to be inducted.




  1. A hall of shame, yes, but it would be crammed!

  2. No, we dont need a reminder of a bunch of nobody's that sucked bad

  3. Sure you can also put teams in there !




    Baron's(or whatever there going to call that team)

    Just for starters!

  4. u should be in it..

    at least kwame made the nba.. u aint in it, LOL!

    there's great players(kobe) and good palyers(kwame)

    dont talk **** if u cant back it up, i aint seein you in the NBA

  5. The Hall of Shame, sure.

    Kwame Brown and Tyron Lue would be right up there.

  6. nope because noone cares about the sucky players we care about the good ones

  7. Not really, if they made a Hall of Shame, it be a waste of time and money. Nice one though!

  8. If it was a hall of shame, they should have a whole section devoted to how Paul Pierce limped off the floor in the Championship screaming out his guts, scaring Paul Revere so badly that he began running through the streets yelling "The British are Coming, The British are Coming," and causing the military to call in air strikes thinking that the Lakers and Celtics had finally erupted into a full fledged war.  As it turns out, he was merely dropped into a tub full of the rejuvenation liquid from the movie "Wanted," and withing 30 seconds, he was perfectly fine.

  9. if that happens kwame brown would get the award  of the worst player everrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

  10. Pow! Right in the kisser

  11. Yes.  Kwame is a bum.

  12. Your funny

  13. Hall of fame? or Hall of Shame?

  14. hall of shame dum$hit

  15. The first player should be Jon Koncack. He's the whole reason athletes salaries are outta control

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