
Should the NBA play an outside game?

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It was extremly well done in the NHL. The NBA should do something like that set up big stands and have a out door game




  1. no

  2. -The majority of the Basket Ball season it is too cold out side.

    -And it was hot out-side, the players would have a heat stoke, basketball court isnt made out of ice, like the NHL

  3. I think it would be a great idea honestly. Throw the Oklahoma City Bombers formerly the Seattle Sonics in there because they need some serious change. But all jokes aside, I think it would be a great idea for maybe just a midseason nba street ball game or something during the offseason. Not during the regular season.

  4. That sounds like a good idea, but the NBA doesnt need any marketing gimmicks, theyre doing fine.

  5. There is something very different about how the NBA games were done and how this was done. Im not sure that the novelty of the NHL games would apply in the NBA, the NHL games were held in the middle of winter, reconnecting the game with its pond hockey roots. While i recognize that basketball is often played outside, i dont think the climate or the location play as much of a role in the nostalgia of the game.

    A game in The Cage in new york would be pretty cool, except there is no way to make it a good spectator game, so it would never be done.

  6. it would be different not saying it'll be a good idea though

  7. NO! this will cause someone to get hurt

  8. NBA sucks and its rigged.

  9. It's already being done. The Suns are playing an outdoor game in the preseason this year, at some big outdoor arena in Cali. Not sure where or who they're playing, but there were stories about it on Fannation, you can google it.

  10. The Phx Suns are going to play all there preseason games OUTDOOR. so if you can watch it live on your computer when preseason comes you should!

  11. There is going to be an outdoor game. This preseason on Saturday October 11th. Nuggets vs. Suns

  12. yes it is a good sport.

    mine possibly if u want to;...

  13. Yeah, let's set up a couple of grandstands and have the game played outdoors in Minnesota in the middle of January.  That'll go over real well.

  14. would be interesting,

    but theres some factors that will make the game unfair

    eg. the sun , wind,

    how are they gona put a wooden floor out side?

    these players get paid too much, what if they get hurt! :O

  15. it depends on the weather, is its hot nooooooooooo way nba players will die running up and down a court. they already sweat like a pig in a AC arena. besides most of an NBA season is during the winter in most areas. they should try it though but not freaking 12 minute quarters

  16. It can be. To think about that i think it'll b fun. but there is a reason why NBA is and indoor game.

  17. no

    what if the gang who hated some players on the team went to the game and had guns with them and shot all of the players to death?

    that would be stuipd to play outside but they should still play inside

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