
Should the NHL: 1-move out of most of the southern USA cities, and 2-move into the Germany-led European Union?

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I ask this due to not only the increasing amount of games/seasons that NHL Commisionaire Gary Bettmann is having the league play in the EU but also that he's been cozying up to their politicians and has some European NHL players (and explayers) "selling" our game out there?

Plus the fact that he really doesn't want to move back into Canada when more money is available outside our beautiful country (like there was in the USA for a couple decades but is no longer)!!!

...oh yeah, and the EU will become the world's powerhouse, superseding even the vaunted USA.

(no, I'm not in favor of that despite my issues with most public Americans being arrogant, though most of my fellow public Canadians display false humility, which is also a form of arrogance).




  1. No and No.

    EU has troubles all it's own- say, fishing quotas and farming quotas that are driving small farms and fisherman out of business.

    Also a lot of internal squabbling.

    China will the the next world power, not the EU.

  2. No. #1 Southern teams have a good and growing fan base. #2 The cost of any travel out of the US and Canada is way too expensive to make that ever happen .

  3. I think Bettmen should do a better job at selling it right here in the U.S.......many teams are still having financial problems. The only thing I would be in favor of is consolidation of the bad financial team or teams. I think having teams in Europe would not work, too much travel, too much expense.

  4. It is not what you think.  Believe it or not, this is being done to try to create an IHL in Europe "International Hockey League." that would equal the NHL.  Right now, hockey leagues are rather splintered in Europe and they want to try to create regular, inter-country season for Hockey.  Later, they want to move this model to other sports.  The ultimate goal is a European Football League with the best teams playing all over Europe on a regular rotations.

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