
Should the NHS be means-tested?

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Would it improve service if those who can afford to pay for their treatment are expected to contribute to it and only those on the very lowest incomes receive their care absolutely free of charge?

Or would this go against the basic tenets of the NHS, which were that it should be free at point of access, for everyone?

Or do you think that only non-essential surgeries such as gender reassignment, cosmetic procedures, IVF etc should be means-tested? After all there are people receiving this treatment free on the NHS who could easily afford to fund it themselves if they wanted to . . .




  1. No it should not be means tested. But the only people allowed to use it should be British, or who have paid at least five years NHS contributions. Any body else using it should have to pay like they would have to in any other country.

      People have come into this country, signed on the sick, the moment they arrive. Within days they are getting disability allowances, mobility allowances, just have a look round your local car parks and look at the so called disabled drivers. It's bad enough when our own people do it, but it open to everyone no matter what part of the world you come from. It's about time to put a stop to it.

  2. £1 of £8 Taken in Tax, the countries largest employer, the worlds third largest, billions wasted on administration and middle management. They have yet to prove they can be trusted with the money they are given in my opinion.

  3. It would be a good idea if only it wouldn't take million extra civil servants to do the means testing, which it would.

  4. I think as you said no essential surgeries should be means tested, they draw on stretched resorces as it is.

    Otherwise I believe everyone should get free treatement, If you want different you can always go private

  5. no it should not. but they should be allowed not to treat those who can't be bothered looking after themselves. and to concentrate on those with real illnesses and not the ones with imaginary ones or the people who diagnose themselves on the Internet.

  6. Honey we already pay for the NHS, it is called taxes.

    Now as to the question of what should be included in the remit; that is another kettle of fish altogether.

    I would not approve IVF because it is not a right.  Cosmetic procedures often occur due to psychological trauma, same goes for gender reassignment.  It is not an easy call.

    BUT, we all pay for the NHS

    Listen to the Moral Maze on R4 for  more info

  7. No. Absolutely not. That would defeat the entire point of free universal health-care, which is one of the noblest things this country has ever done.

  8. so the tax payers who pay for the NHS won't be able to use it so that the poor don't have to pay anything?

    i already have private health insurance and dental cover but cannot opt out of paying national insurance contributions you suggest i carry on paying so you don't need to make a contribution at all?

    how about no!

    i think you forget you pays for your free treatment'   ..... it is people like me and my family ........

  9. The NHS isn't free, the tax payers are paying for it! And working people are finding it hard enough keeping those in benefits,which also provides free care for them.

    As for non-essential surgery such as you mentioned, that's not what the NHS is for and when they stop pandering to the vanity of others, maybe there will be money spare to treat the ill and dying.

  10. No it shouldn't, as it defeats the purpose of universal healthcare.

    The American system of medicare is means tested, and I am sure we don't want to go down that road, where by we establish a private system for those that can afford it and a state system for the poor.

  11. OMG. You are a lady after my own heart. I have been dying (pardon the pun) to ask this question for years.

    I believe that non-essential non-life preserving NHS treatment should be means-tested. And I am I dyed-in-the-wool Socialist.

    I have believed for years that Child Benefit should be means-tested. The Queen herself can get CB. It makes me sick.

    Please widen your debate. For own mother in the last 12 months has received a  new knee...a new hip and a hearing aid ...cost to the NHS...estimate....£25k. She feels bad about it and so do her kids. She could have paid for this.....but she wasn't given the option.

    I will glad ly come back to this thread

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