
Should the Olympics take precedent over a plane crash?

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Should the Olympics take precedent over a plane crash?




  1. A small one or swo seat plane crash is unfortnant but that would be more on local news where as the olympics are on bigger networks.

    If it were flight 97 (im stupid and dont know the real number, sry im not trying to offend anyone but ehh) then no, A plane crash of that magnitude would be considered a national disaster

  2. No, of course not. But today, there is more value placed on entertainment & the feel-good factor than on human life.

  3. This weekend more people will be killed on the roads around Europe than any will die in more than 10 air disasters. It's a tragedy when a plane crashes, but every week thousands die on the road. Life has to go on...

  4. I guess it all depends on if you want the bad news first or the good news.

    if a station led with the Olympics, then they want to tell the good stories first... and the olympics are a WORLDWIDE EVENT. the plane crash, as terrible as it is, only killed 150-ish people.... h**l more people than that die everyday from a variety of things in the states alone.... should they run all of those first too?

    I for one, am glad they run the up lifting stories first. the world is just too dam depressing as it is.

  5. no.but they are both current events.we are all sorry about spain.and also the car<races are going on in valencia,spain.

  6. No way. A humans life is the most important thing in the world and a stupid competition should not take precedence over a humans death. (Or injury)

  7. If your are referring to the recent disaster in Spain then no, the plane crash should be reported first and the Olympics should come after.  Most news that I have seen reported the Spanish air plane crash first.

  8. No, it shouldn't take precedence over a plane crash.

  9. It's not taking precedent. The Madrid crash has been widely publicised and has been on television  lots. The fact is, as a news story it has now run its course. The Olympics continue hence it is still in the news.

  10. No

  11. you bet ye

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