
Should the Packer Fans boycott at least the first home game?

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I know we don't know all the facts but Brett wanted to finish his career as a Packer, and yes we all make mistakes and find me the first person that can walk on water. Why didn't you work with Brett Coach? You were only looking out for the best interest in the team, yeah right!




  1. You sound like the typical retarded Packer fan.

  2. the packers did the right thing,favre had retired and the packers had already had their plans for the future in motion,letting brett comeback would have been like taking a step backwards.favre can always go back to GB after he is sure hes done playing and join the team just to retire again ,other players have done that, joe montana for instance.

  3. read my blog

    I think it will ring true to what most packers fans feel

  4. No, even though I'm a die hard Packers fan, they did what had to be done.  The Favre saga was and still is a huge distraction for a team that is trying to better the results of last season and is the middle of training camp.  Had the Packers allowed this circus to go on, it would of been irresponsible of them.  Even if the two sides had come to terms there would still be huge media coverage on the "hows" and "whys" of it all.  The Packers did the right thing and I stand behind what they say when they say that it's best for the team that this transaction had to happen.  There are no hard feelings on Favre or the Organization.  I'll still be a huge Favre fan and I wish him the best of luck in NY but I'm a bigger Packers fan and hope that this distraction is over and they can finally focus on the upcoming opponents instead of just one man.

  5. I think Favre is stupid to go through all those good-byes to Packer fans who adored him, and then go play for another team. He should have just left when he had the chance. Now, he's probably going to get hurt and change his mind...again!!

  6. NO, cant boycott, its a big game dude and a monday nighter, I GOT TICKETS, and we cant lose to the vikings

  7. A true Packer fan is a fan of the team, not just one player.

    Even a Bears fan like me knows that.

  8. He's marginal at this point in his career.  The packers did the right thing even if Rodgers sucks.  They turned a retired player into a 3rd draft pick.  Quit crying.

  9. no boycotting never works and also brett asked for it  

  10. Favre retired, deal with it. It's his fault that the Packers moved on without him.

    I'm totally with the pack on this one. Yeah, I know he admits to retiring early, but I don't care. The Packers were put in a difficult situation by Favre, and they made the best of a bad situation by probably getting a second round pick out of him (the Jets will make the playoffs I think).

    Rodgers has waited for his chance, and for Favre to just turn around and say "I had my fingers crossed, I wanna play again", it's just wrong.

  11. here is the best answer your going to get.. If some want to be packers fans, boycott, the first home game, then alot of real fans of the pack, will show up and get to see A real QB who doesn't toss 280 + ints, and many comming when the pack needed a good play.

    My feelings on Favre, is that he should be run over by a slow moving tonka truck. I mean anyone who can say I want the best interest of the Packers, yet your going to trade me to the Vikings, needs his brain fixed.

    If Brett Favre had any brains, he would have just stayed on the sidelines, not caused the Packers so much grief, and then shut his wifes mouth. Life for the Packers would have been much better off.

    Instead, what happend is, Brett got his panties in a bunch, told everyone on the planet what was going on in private meetings, and then lied about half of what happend. So if your a true fan, not a player fan, shut your mouth, show up and support your team, and let the overhyped interception machine lose with the Jets.

    Now get your bottlr out of your mouth, and think for yourself.


  12. True Packer Fans follow the team, not a player.  At first I was on his side, but not now.  Brett Favre make a mockery out of his retirement and embarrassed himself, his wife, and the Green Bay organization in the eyes of the rest of the NFL and the fans.  I lost a lot of respect for him.

  13. Yes. Packer management threw away any chance at Superbowl contention when they chewed Brett up and spit him out. He was willing to play for the Packers and they shut him out. I am a Packer fan and have been for almost 50 years and to watch a new and inexperienced management team make a mockery out of an iron man star performer,the Packer fans and the whole organization sickens me. Why didn't the board step in and do something? I can't support any organization with such classless management. They need to leave.They are lying thugs.

  14. No. I think the Packers handled this very poorly but boycotting the game will not change what happened. Wait till Rodgers struggles and the boycott will happen on it's own.

  15. Packer fan 1st..Favre fan 2nd......

  16. hes better off a jet

    favre sucks

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