
Should the Qur'an be read keeping its historical/social context in mind?

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It's a book of guidance for all mankind. But should it be read keeping historical/social context in mind as that would help us to understand the rules and reg in the Qur'an, even better. Or should it just be read as it is?

I feel the former would be better for fully understanding the Qur'an. |t should be read with its historical/social context as well as the hadiths (also with historical and social context)

What do you think?




  1. koran has been proven to be a book of Arab fantasy stories on the same line after Ali Baba and Alladin


  2. This man made piece of dangerous trash and it's mad followers will be the reason this world comes to an untimely end, it should be banned in the 'civilised' world. Allah bloody Akbar.

  3. well the quran should be kept as it is.. read the way it is..

    their are tafsirs.. that explains the quran.. and hadiths also explain things that are not explained in the quran.. but if ure just reading it for prayer.. whats the point?

  4. There are some sections of the Qur'aan that have been abrogated (sort of like, nullifying the obligation) by later parts of the Qur'aan and this is recorded in the hadeeth as well.

    However, if we truly love Allaah and truly love His Messenger, then there are no qualms in following what is always the commandments of this deen.

    There are three constants in Islaam:

    'aqeedah (basic creed/beliefs)

    'ibaadah (worship)

    akhlaq (manners/etiquette though I have a hard time translating this exactly)

    Technology is developed, cultures change, etc.  The dunya changes, and this is permissible.  But those three constants were sent down for mankind until the Last Day, and never ever change.

    Technology to make our lives easier and cure diseases and stuff and help us communicate with loved ones and society is incredible, and a ni'mah from Allaah.  These change with the times and that's great.

    However, it is not possible to say that...

    ...because it is 2008

    ...because I live in Argentina

    ...because I live in French Equatorial Guinea

    ...because i'm an administrative assistant

    ...because i'm a truck driver

    ...because i'm of such and such ethnicity

    ...and all sorts of other things that I will now worship Allaah different from the Prophet and his Companions, that I will believe in different things than they did, that I will raise my family with the rules Dr. What's-his-face thinks are best instead of the Sunnah, that I will invent a new kind of prayer, that I will call Allaah by other than one of his Glorious Names, and things like that.

    So do we read the Qur'aan in context?  Well it depends on if the verses in question were historically specific or not (some people mentioned stuff pertaining to the Battle of Badr, stuff like that).

  5. Quran SHOULD be read ONLY as IT is.

    NEVER EVER use a source outside it. Specially NO man made source.

    The Quran is complete and detailed and AUTHENTIC and guaranteed. While the ALL the historical backgrounds and contexts which the scholars bring up to explain are:

    1-  Not Authentic.

    2-  Baseless.

    This is and has been one of the most devastating tactics of Satan to destroy the message of the Quran.

    The contexts (Historical backgrounds) that are quoted are used to nullify the commands and verses of the Quran and to twist them. They are used as a tool to:

    1-  Limit the commandment to specific situation and people.

    2-  Time bar the teachings and commandments.

    UNLESS the context in the Quran itself is not limiting and time barring, it should not be considered to be limited and time barred.

  6. I think it should sis, because some passages of the Qur'an are related to the historical events, such as the battle of Badr etc In the Qur'an gods commands are specifically relating to battle situations and people misinterpret it take it out of context and try to put false accusations on muslims.

    Assalamu alaikum wb

    The Qur'an is also applicable to anyone and everyone's life..but it should be read in context i believe.

  7. And YOU have the exact historical accounts to support it.

    These differing sects that fight amongst each other for centuries must come to you to settle their disputes.


  8. Historical context, of course (same with the bible & Homer).

    It would stop some of the "Mohamed was a paedophile" stuff that extreme christians spread around.

  9. Quran is the life of real Muslim

  10. The Quran is Allahs actual words on paper..

    its timeless meant to fit any situation, any time anywhere on earth

    When I read it.. I try to understand and see how the words can fit in the situation im in at the moment.. Im surpised at how easily it does..

    there are parabels in the Quran that seem to not be associated with our time. but used as examples... There are also stories that we dont yet understand.. Modern science is only beginning to unravel some things the Quran talked about 1400 years ago.. The big bang theory, is expained as fact in the Quran.. 1400 years ago, no one knew what a big bang theory was, they just took the words for face value.. but only now we understand.. You know the verses that start off with only letters in the Quran.. we have no earthly idea what they mean.. but who knows.. in the future they might turn out to be some code for something that will help the earth... So I try to see how everything there can fit into my life as it is in the moment.. It always does..


  11. the people who follow it need to have their heads read, its a load of old tosh and a waste of paper, evil through and through and should be banned in the civilised world

    there is even some idiots on here that claim the comic is guaranteed, guaranteed for what ? the only guarantee you'll get from it is that you and all that practice it will NEVER be excepted by the British people

  12. Everything should be read with the context in mind, particularly the Quran.

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