
Should the Republican come together on YA! and ignore any non legitimate question about Sarah Palin?

by Guest63917  |  earlier

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I'm sick of the idiots posting questions. Could we just ignore them and maybe they will go away?




  1. too many to ignore.

    If you can't beat them join them.

    I guess the muslim names are going to disappear...oh yes and how ugly Michelle is and the preacher, Ayers, Sinclaire etc.?

  2. Lol

    No, let them rant, they are just digging themselves a hole into oblivion and showing themselves for what narrorw minded fools they really are

    McPalin 08

  3. Is it OK to say she is just plain good looking?

    Um, I guess not.

  4. yes I think this is a great idea!

    trouble is YA! is also bias being part of Yahoo.

    Maybe they are paying idiots to post! ;)

  5. The are all legitimate.

    But go ahead, your strategy will fail.  You go ahead and ignore so that all the responses are in favor and supporting the original posters views.  Others will read that and think...well it must be true since no one is denying it.  It will help us out greatly.  Thanks for organizing it.

    LOL...what a need to think your great ideas through first before spouting them didn't think of how it would look did you?

  6. I'm an independent and I have been ignoring them too.

  7. LOL, seems to be the McCain strategy.

    CNN: "Is Palin prepared to be Commander in Chief?"

    McCain adviser: "If I just ignore you, you will go away."

    Fox News: "Was Sarah Palin the most qualified Republican to run as VP?"

    McCain adviser: "If I just ignore you, you will go away."

    MSNBC: "Does the fact that McCain picked Palin after her meeting her just one time say something about his judgment?"

    McCain adviser: "If I just ignore you, you will go away."

  8. i'm not even a republican, and i'm tired of the bs.

    to be fair-i was pretty tired of the obama bs too.

    does anyone have anything serious to ask?

  9. I was thinking about blocking people that post that junk about Palin's daughter.  I don't post those types of questions and the people that post that garbage really have no interest in debating anyways.  There are plenty of open minded, non-sexist people here.  Maybe if we all started blocking them, they would get the idea.  I'm going to take the answer once, then block 'em strategy.

  10. It's temporary until the next big event in the news cycle. Palin is the flavor of the week. If the attacks do not show that they are gaining traction they will slow considerably when McCain does something else they can jump on. It is amusing though she has out-paced the Biden annoucement by a mile in coverage. Guess we can see who is considered a real threat politically.

  11. Wow, sounds like someone touched a nerve!  You have an awfully short and selective memory given the c**p that was thrown at Michelle Obama a few weeks back.

    Censorship is not the answer

  12. Right there with you... :/

  13. I want them to keep doing it. Because Obama wants them to stop. It's gonna bite Obama in the A$$.  

  14. Can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen.

  15. Im in.

  16. Good idea!  Or maybe we should bring up the Muslim thing, the Wright thing, the not visiting our troops thing, the Ayers thing, the inexperience thing etc as an answer to every question.

  17. After we've been treated to immature, impertinent nonsense about Obama for all these months?

  18. You already are, hence all the extremely leaning questions that are posted just to get mutual conservative and Republican response so you can reaffirm your emotional attachment to failed ideas. The only people conservatives are trying to convince more than independents are themselves.

    (Yes, to be fair, dem's and lib's are doing it on here too.)

  19. Only if you stop posting non-legitimate questions about Obama

  20. I'll go you one better. What if all the people who were sick of the smears ignored ALL the smears, on all sides? How would that be? I'd be up for that.

  21. already am.

  22. I hope they keep spewing out every vile thought they have about this woman they just found out about so that we can all see how liberals think.


    OBAMA 08

  24. actually flag them by the hundreds would be a better solution

    it works..all the messages i flagged have been deleted

    flag all the c**p

  25. Yeah.

    Just like you lot 'ignored' non-legitimate questions about the Obama and Clinton families?

    You bunch of .......... (what I want to say will surely be deleted) have gotten some 'religion' (decency?) lately, haven't you?


    Never too late, I say.

  26. Yes I think it's time to leave the daughter alone.

    The problem that I have is with Sarah Palin herself. She along with the Republican party have built a platform on Christan Values and Morals Values and for the past, oh I don't know 10 years you have been beating us over the head with this c**p. Now the truth comes out on not just Palin but all the rest of these hypocrites and you can't handle it. Sorry but until you clean up your own back yard, stay out of mine.

  27. whine, whine, whine - these questions are no more ignorant and non-legitimate than all those about Obama and his family.  No one is forcing you or any other Republican to read any of the questions on this site.


  28. Is there a way to block questions from specific askers from being shown?  If not, Y/A should offer it.

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