
Should the Royal family stay out of Millitary affairs?

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    I believe what makes royalty is more than just sipping tea at the expense of the tax payer in Buckingham Palace or wherever those inbred parasites nest.

  2. family and military each have one 'l' only.

    Regarding military service of Royal family is important to show the people that the Royals are not above the law and should serve the country in this manner.  That the media is foolish enough to broadcast the deployments of Royal family members, thus putting them and their comrades in undo danger is irresponsible.

  3. Do you mean they should not serve in the armed forces?

    Prince Andrew (when he was second in line for the throne, Prince William was born the week after it ended) served as a helicopter pilot in the Falklands War.

  4. It's good that the modern world media isn't going to let Royals go to war quietly anymore, and it's good that it caused Prince Whathisname such angst when his cover was blown.

    The sooner monarchy is made an untenable institution, and its members forced to have no private life outside their cloisters, the better. It would be great if the Royals come to find monarchy so odious that they themselves overthrow it.

    Maybe it will even be the genesis of England finally dragging its political and social institutions into the 21st Century.

  5. yes it is too risky for others as well as themselves.

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