
Should the Saskatchewan Roughriders challenge whoever wins the 2008 Super Bowl to a game?

by Guest56159  |  earlier

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Would you watch that game?




  1. You mean watch the NFL team dominate the CFL team? Sure why not.

    Another question though where does the field goal post go? Do we compromise and put it in the middle of the end zone instead of the front or back?

  2. u mean challenge the patriots?? They would dominate canada with their third string

  3. By whose rules would they play???

    The CFL team would likely win by CFL rules, the NFL team by NFL rules... The rule changes would seriously hamper the team having to make the adjustments...

    And if you think that Saskatchewan could beat an NFL team by NFL rules, you're nuts...

    Cause lets be honest... As good as the Riders are, Giving the Riders an extra down isn't going to be enough for them to beat the Super Bowl champ...  It's hard to throw a TD to a guy who doesn't get a 5-7 yard running head start at the line of scrimmage, into an endzone that's under half the size... (NFL endzone is 10 by 53, CFL endzone 20 by 65), when that's what you're used too...

    On the flip side, I'd like to see NFL corners try to stop a WR with that head start, in an endzone that size... It'd be pretty much impossible...

  4. It would be interesting. The only real problem would be what field would you play on? PERSONALLY, i think it would be interesting. Do i think people would watch it? No. I don't think it would be a big money generator, but, then again, who am I?

  5. perhaps they should challenge the Dolphins

  6. If they could figure out the rule differences it might be kind of neat to see. Although as much as I love the Riders they would probably get killed.

    An all-star thing might be a pretty cool thing too!

  7. I remember the flag football matches PuckDat is referring to. As I recall the CFL did win some of those. It would be kind of hard for the Riders to challenge the 2008 Super Bowl winners as the team has gone their separate ways until next spring.

  8. No.


    One main reason why this would never happen is the Americans would have to invite a team from another country to their 'World Championship'

  9. Chuckle, Chuckle.  The CFL used to play friendlies against the NFL until the CFL teams started winning,  After that the practice was abandoned.  I wonder why?

    Sure, but first there are so many things to iron out.  Especially the rules.  Nevermind the size of the field or the ball.

    Yup, CFLer's have bigger balls.

  10. 2 different leaques with different rules!!!!   I am not sure if it would prove anything!!!!  I'd say NO to such a game!!!!

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