
Should the Sea of Japan be renamed in favor of Korea?

by Guest32767  |  earlier

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- What history is behind the name "Sea of Japan"?

- How will renaming the sea benefit Korea?

- Should it be renamed "East Sea" (South Korea's opinion), "Sea of Korea" (South Korea's opinion), "East Sea of Korea" (North Korea's opinion) or "Sea of Peace" (Japan's prime minister's opinion)?

- Should it even be changed at all?

Thanks for you opinions.





  1. Sino pak is a troll on who is taiwanese who posts anti korean comments.

    And sino, im korean and I can care less about this issue so there goes your proof that all koreans are self center. Go back to your anti korean forum. I reported you.

  2. yeah i think we should say that Sea of Japan is koreans because japan is saying that dokdo is theirs lol

    i also heard that now china is now saying that this one small land (which is korea's) is theirs

    man wth is wrong with them, espcially japan

    they are saying that dokdo is their land

    and they are already rewritting childrens books saying that dokdo is japan's land..hahah what a bad reputation

    makes me laugh..

    sino pak is an anti-korean? well guess what im an anti-taiwanese/chinese or whatever he is

    quiereme wtf are you trying to say

    what does the great wall have to do with this lol

    she is talking about japan dumb***

    아이고 바보야..ㅗ

  3. Renaming the sea won't really benefit Korea. I personally don't care about which sea's named which. All that whining kind of demotes Korea's reputation in the global stage, so it's kinda sad...

    South Korea wants to change the name, because they say it brings back thoughts of the old Imperialist Japan. I guess I can kind of understand that, and I think the name "Sea of Peace" is a great idea. It's a win-win situation for all the involved countries. But if that's too much of a hassle, then I'd just say stick with the Sea of Japan.

  4. ...yeah, and I hear talk that some are trying to change Californai's name,

    to Mexifornia?  Any feedback on this?


  5. i don't get y they need to re-name it. whats the point of re-naming it? it's already a part of history anyway..

  6. Man, worrying about the name of a Sea, for gods' sakes. It won't benefit anyone and the name should remain, to my opinion. The name was given long ago and we ain't the ones to change it.  

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