
Should the Sharpe theme tune replace current national anthem of England?

by Guest64818  |  earlier

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You have to admit that the current the English national anthem is somewhat antiquated; and a song about a monarchy in a society that preaches democracy is blatant hypocracy.

So would the Sharpe theme make a good alternative?

Have a listen and decide:




  1. better to have Alvin and the chipmunks do an anthem for England , we Scots already have a great anthem

  2. See, this is one reason why Americans (by which I mean US citizens) think England and Great Britain/ United Kingdom are all interchangeable names for the same place.

    The Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish all share that God awful dirge of an anthem. It's not just English, although as a Scot myself the day I left the military was the last day I'll stand up when it's played.

    Anyway, it's at least as good as what you're suggesting as a replacement.

    Robert C... Scotland the Brave might be the official Scottish anthem, but it sure as h**l isn't the one practically every Scotsman knows the words to. And there's more than one candidate for a new official Scottish one. Much though I like Flower of Scotland, if someone could come up with decent lyrics to go with Highland Catherdral, I'd have that like a shot.

  3. England doesn't have a national anthem, it's been a sore point for years. The current anthem tat you hear is a British one, not an English one.

    You may not be aware of this, but Britain is actually a constitutional monarchy. This means that the monarchy is an integral part of their democracy. The monarch has little or no direct power but they act as the final line of defense between the people and a wicked or corrupt government.

    I think that in a recent pole of the English people the leading candidate was Parry's Jerusalem. It is currently used by the English cricket team as their score.

  4. I agree the national anthem should change to the Sharpe theme tune, Britain needs a bit of a revamp in general to be honest.

  5. I will vote for any tune as long as it is not Scotland the Brave!!

  6. h**l NO JACKASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Hmmm, if thats the case then I vote Sean Bean in his Sharpe Uniform should be Prime Minister - because he's bloody s**y!  Phwoar. . . .I wouldn't care about his policies, I'd be too busy drooling lol!

    As far as I understand it, God Save the Queen is a UK -wide anthem.  Wales and Scotland have their own.  I think England should have its own as well.

  8. I agree with you - the current English national anthem (or what passes as the national anthem) is totally outdated and just c**p really - but as much as I love Sharpe, the theme tune really does my head in.  

    It's definitely an improvement on the current anthem though : )

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