
Should the South African government allow foreigners who refuse to be finger printed to stay in the country?

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Irrespective of their reasons, should foreigners be allowed to dictate that they cannot be finger printed. All South African citizens get ginger printed when they apply for ID, Passport, Driver's Licence. So why do some foreigners refuse to abide by the country's laws? We have said we are sorry that some lunatics attacked them. But they can't stay in this country without proper identification. Why should we beg them. I think some of these foreigners are taking the issue of us owing them respect and dignity too far. They either agree to be finger printed or we must force and deport them. What's your views?




  1. For practical reasons, it would be very difficult to do. SA's borders are very porous and there is a constant influx of illegal immigrants. I spoke to a senior SAPS official some time ago and he said that the apprehension of criminals is complicated by the fact that  immigrants from neighbouring countries - legal or not - do not have their fingerprints on the database, and this means that some of these people can basically commit crime with impunity (which is what is actually happening in the border areas) and there is no way they can be traced as they simply disappear back across the border.

  2. It really does depend on which country these foreigners come from, and what relations the South African government would like to keep with that country. Also, I'm a foreign national who enters South Africa frequently as I live in Botswana. I hold a British passport, and I've never been asked to give my fingerprints at any of the borders or at the airport in Johannesburg. I think that if the South African government deported Brits who did not want their finger prints taken, then not too many South Africans would find their British Visa applications approved...

  3. Those who refuse should be deported , we have enough people in this country that do not abide by the laws.

    The goverment needs to take a strong stand on this and make sure that these people follow the laws or get deported.

    I dont see what their problem is as the government has confirmed that by getting the ID's , it would not affect those that have assylum status.

  4. Why are they refusing in the first place? Is it because they have committed crimes and are now frightened that they may be caught out?

  5. I think they should all just be deported back to where they came from.  Now they want to reinstate them back into the communities.  This is going to turn out a disaster and its going to cost south africa its name.  Why give them temp id's in the first place.  This is not their home.  Our people are unemployed, the south african government cant even keep its promises to its citizens how can they then promise foreigners anything???  The whole thing makes no sense at all.  Consperacy is what I say.  For all we know the temp id's is for voting purposses inorder to get votes.  We as citizens will never really know but if we as citizens all stand together against it, we will be heard.

  6. SA citizens have to be fingerprinted to get an ID or passport. We have to carry an ID at all times, you have to present it for most transactions in every-day activity, why not foreigners...there is enough crime and brutality in the country, now we have millions of illegals running around with no form of identification.

  7. I agree, finger printing or they must all leave. Some could be hiding their criminal activities on those finger tips.

  8. No. I am for fingerprinting all over the world.  In all Western countries there are illegals bumming off the governments, committing the bulk of the crimes, and in general taking away jobs from the citizens of that country.  This is also the case in South Africa.  

    Each foreigner should be fingerprinted and given an identity document, and it should be the duty of police everywhere in the world to check identity if there is anything suspicious.

    I am sure that if these foreign people had been finger printed then this xenophobia would not have escalated.

    All foreigners should be tolerated as guests (for a limited period of time, say one month) in other countries for holiday purposes. If they want to work, or stay longer, then they have to be given a "visitor´s" identity document and be finger printed.

    Each visitor should carry an identity document, such as a passport, with a valid stamp from the border officials. Without that, it should be "BYE BYE", and please leave the country!!!

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