
Should the Speed Limit be bought Down, in Built up Areas?

by  |  earlier

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I mean, theres Children Killed on The Roads Every Day.

So Should we make The Roads Safer for them?





  1. Yes because today in the newer areas there are alot more children playing as well as people that like to walk, so yes it should be brought down.......

  2. Honestly, I'd say probably a bit of both.  

    The biggest problem I see in school zones and residential areas is enforcement.  The street I live on is 25 MPH.  That's a fair speed.  The problem is people fly up and down the road at 40 or better and you'd be lucky if you EVER see a cop.  Lowering speed limits won't do a bit of good if it's not coupled with enforcement.

    On the flip side of the coin, I can't for the life of me, figure out why we allow local municipalities to LOWER speed limits on rural area highways and interstates simply because they want thier local guys to sit out there and run speed traps to raise money for the local coffers.  It's a ridiculous and unsafe process that has gotten out of hand in my state.  (Ohio)

    Final thought, why don't these communities set up their "speed traps" on the residential streets where the chilrden are and the speed limits need to be enforced, not the interstate where they are dropping the speed from 65 to 55 for a 5 mile stretch?

  3. Yes, I think they should ....... people should drive slower then they do for children's safety and for every other person out on the road's safety ....... = )

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