
Should the Star Trek Canon be thrown out?

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I just visited the Wikipedia listing for the Star Trek Canon, and it was full of contradictions contradicting contradictions, that after trying to read it for 3 minutes just gave me a headache.

Since Gene is no longer with us, lets just keep it simple - throw it all out the window, enjoy the books & vids for that they are.

The Canon has to Go.




  1. NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! foolishness, wikipedia is not a credible source, just because what it lists as canon is distorted doesn't mean the actual canon is, there were some mistakes made my Enterprise, so some of the episodes from it and some of the books have questionable canonisity, but beyond that star trek has a very good, solid and well organized canon

  2. The first answerer got it very right.  The whole canon thing makes sense to some though.  On my fanfiction site, I'm all for the stories and my second is more the Trekologist kind of guy.  He understands all the canon stuff, I don't.

  3. The "Canon" as some people call it has little to do with the "writer's bible" that is maintained by the estate and is vetted by a gang of detail fiends. This document is the official history of Trek and only includes the TV shows and films. The novels and other media were long ago exempted from the requirement of consistency by Gene himself in the interests of telling good stories.

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