
Should the U.N. Pressure Developing Nations on Black Soot?

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If the U.N. wants developed nations to pay more for CO2 mitigation due to historic emissions by developed nations, should they also ask developing nations to send money the other way for black soot?

Black carbon pollution emerges as major player in global warming - PhysOrg

"Black carbon, a form of particulate air pollution most often produced from biomass burning, cooking with solid fuels and diesel exhaust, has a warming effect in the atmosphere three to four times greater than prevailing estimates, according to scientists in an upcoming review article in the journal Nature Geoscience."

"...soot and other forms of black carbon could have as much as 60 percent of the current global warming effect of carbon dioxide, more than that of any greenhouse gas besides CO2."

Some developing nations have been inhabited by fire-burning humans for millions of years.




  1. it all has to be factored in. i reckon developed nations have done their fair share of emissions already, black soot included.

    contraction and convergence is the only remotely fair way to divvy up the remaining carbon we can afford to emit.

  2. The Chinese have a reasonable point there, percentage wise from their National Gross Income to be spent on curbing pollution. To me that sounds pretty reasonable and if I am not mistaken, Mr. Wen Jia Bo will be using 12% of their Gross National Income for that purpose.

  3. The UN wants cash.  Developed contries have it.  End of story.  They may want money from developing countries as well but mostly they want them to stay undeveloped or so it seems.

  4. At this time developing nations should not have to pay for their emissions until they reach a negotiated level of pollution.  After that, they should be taxed according to the increasing size of their carbon foot print.

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