
Should the U.S. charge Iraq for liberating Iraq from Saddam Hussein and helping Iraq re-construct its nation?

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WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Iraq is raking in more money from oil exports than it is spending, amassing a projected four-year budget surplus of up to $80 billion, U.S. auditors reported Tuesday.

Leading members of Congress, noting that Washington is paying for reconstruction in Iraq, expressed outrage at the assessment. One called the findings "inexcusable."

"We should not be paying for Iraqi projects while Iraqi oil revenues continue to pile up in the bank, including outrageous profits from $4-a-gallon gas prices in the U.S.," said Sen. Carl Levin, the chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee. "We should require that U.S. taxpayers be reimbursed for the cost of large projects."

Baghdad had a $29 billion budget surplus between 2005 to 2007. With the price of crude roughly doubling in the past year, Iraq's surplus for 2008 is expected to run between $38 billion and $50 billion, according to a report from the U.S. Government Accountability Office.

The United States has put about $48 billion toward reconstruction since the 2003 invasion of Iraq, auditors reported. About $23 billion of that was spent on the oil and electricity industries, water systems and security




  1. The US should pay every penny for rebuilding the country/culture it razed - well, those who supported it should pay for it, anyhow.

  2. YES!! I'm so tired of the world taking jabs at America, but when they're in trouble they always expect the US to bale them out. Its about d**n time that we got paid for what we do. Instead of being good samaritans, we should be more like mercenaries and get paid.We should have never freed the Iraqis anyway, people who aren't willing to revolt and fight for their own freedom always hand it back over to some douche bag to oppress them again.

    I say lets nuke the Middle East that would be the end to a ton of our headaches!!!  

  3. Definitely. Or they can arrange to have oil shipped to the US over the next 5-10 at a reduced rate. If they gave the US money, it would just go into the politicians coffers. The people would never see it.  

  4. What does Iraq owe you people for crying out loud? Your country and my country started the mess in the first place. Nobody told our countries to invade Iraq, but they did and now the mess has to be paid for. I think the supporters of the war should pay for it but a lot of the Iraqis are dead, or doesn't that affect some of your lives? Our countries are responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent people, doesn't that disturb any of you? I am pissed because I help people for a living and hate paying taxes towards the funding of killing innocent people abroad, it makes my blood boil. If anyone should really pay for this war then it's Bush and Blair out of their own pockets plus the idiots who stood by them. Leave the rest of us out of it!

  5. I'd say that Iraq does owe us something; though the US also owes something to Iraq.  Since the US took out the Iraqi government, it is obligated to stabilize the country somewhat.  On the other hand, Iraq has benefited from US intervention and aid.  

  6. Absolutely. It's time for ALL nations that we've helped and bailed out of trouble over the years to repay us. All our SO called allies always run and hide their heads in the sand whenever we need their support( with exception of Britain ). I'm truly tired of people bashing this great country of ours. If it's so f***ing bad here, we have planes and ships that leave every hour 24/7. Go and see how wonderful it is outside the U.S.

  7. Yes, I think the US would be dumb; it’s like me buying food, gas and everyday needs for someone who is a billionaire and he/she is not spending a dime.

  8. Let's see now.America illegally invades Iraq,causes mass destruction of that country,kills & maims hundreds of thousands of civilians,& the Iraqis' should pay?What sort of twisted logic is that?

  9. $48 billion ?... yet the average Iraqi aint got fresh water or electricity 24/7 and runs the risk of being sniped going to the market... you sure that $48 billion 'reconstruction' wasnt spent on the DESTRUCTION of Iraqi society and the CONSTRUCTION of USA Bunkers. Uncle SAM has no intention of leaving EVER

  10. you bet your bippy.

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