
Should the U.S. get involved with Russia's War?

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Being that the U.S. is involved in 7 wars should they get involved in Russia and Georgia's? The people will eventually over throw their own Government I feel.




  1. I think we should protect all of the Democracies of the failed Soviet system, GB and Japan, and tell Old Socialist Europe they're on their own for a change.

    And then nuke the UN if they don't get with it.

    I'm tired of paying for this c**p.

    We should have listened to Patton and conquered all that territory when we had the chance.

  2. Absolutely not.  

  3. Russia attacked Georgia?!?!?



  4. NO !!! We spend too much of our time and waste too many of our young people sticking our nose into the affairs of others.....

    The ONLY time US troops should deploy is when there is a clear threat to America....

    We are NOT the worlds "Big Brother"...... NOT the worlds "Police Force".... The Georgian-Ossetia-Russia problem is theirs to solve

    We did not interfere when China invaded Tibet.....why is this different  

  5.   No, we shouldn't because we have to take care of the issues we have here in the U.S.  First one should learn to take care of themselves before giving someone else a hand. Russia never attacked us therefore it's not our problem. If anyone wants to get involved besides us then thats their problem.

  6. Are you nuts?! Do you want World War III? Getting to war in Iraq was easy cause they had 1970s weapons and WW2 style fighting. Russia is like another US military and its still a superpower country.  

  7. Are you ******** serious? Do you want to die along with everyone else in this country?

  8. no

  9. No, the US needs to stop involving itself in wars and take care of some business at home.

  10. no that wouldent be fair

  11. Yeah we know im from Alabama. Were happy they got attacked cause Georgia beat us in football last year.  

  12. I think that the US and NATO should get involved and push the Russians back

  13. no but i think the us should demand a cease fire  

  14. So I am guessing that this question is sarcastic..

  15. no let them other european nations handle it us is already in a war that they are not helping with

  16. No, we can't afford to.

  17. always no, they have no business and should not have anything to do with this countries but they always want to, they are just suckers for power, and power will destroy them in the end.

  18. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...

  19. No, it will just complicate things even more. The U.S is involved in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and possibly with Iran. Getting involved in Georgia is only going to tangle the web that we're already in. In terms of financing them, also no, we accumulated too much debt of our own to help anyone.

    Besides, I think this whole thing will end pretty quickly. This is a pretty much third or fourth rate power going up against Russia, one of the most powerful countries on the planet.

  20. Why is it even an option?  

    On the other hand, if McCain is elected, it will be a reality.  

  21. Chuck J, well u have already done tht u know

    most of the weaponry tht georgians are usin came from the west in the last year or two, much money was given to them and the trainin of the troops in cooperation of georgian and us army finished just before they hit ossetia

    as to the question if u shud get involved, i guess its too obvious to even answer :)

  22. russia is a bunch of crazy a$$ m**o's. i dont think bush should start what he cant finish. because he is worthless at this point.  

  23. yes,because russia has the  one of the  biggest  military  in the world and georgia's one  of the smallest military in the world.they dont stand a chance and need help.  

  24. I say send ole jimmy carter and obama there, let them figure it out. h**l all the people over there cheered for obama. Lets see what the token one can do.

  25. why shouldn't we all you poeple who keep saying  no are just scared  and probably wont even fight and just sit their  at home and why won;t we have chance with defeating Russia  they also have stuff from the 1970s

    and all we would have to do is just send enough men and aircraft to overwhelm them before they overwhelm us that all you would have to do.

  26. I think the US should support Georgia with money and diplomacy and arms of course. I also thin that doing so covertly would be best. Smile to the russians, be diplomatic and do everything we can to thwart them just as France and other european nations do the US. Anything that weakens Russia and ties them up is good for the US.  

  27. No, but what we should do is pressure Russia economically and diplomatically and punish them for this action.

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