
Should the U.S. government provide incentives for “illegal” immigrants to leave the U.S.?

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Should the U.S. government provide incentives for “illegal” immigrants to leave the U.S.?




  1. yea some nice vacation in europe sounds good for me  

  2. No.  Instead it should enforce repurcussions for them staying.

  3. Yes incentives like they will be put to work on chain gangs before deportation.

  4. It depends on what you mean by incentives. A valuable incentive would be working with their government to prevent illegal immigration in the first place.

    If you mean incentives to go back to their country to face the same circumstances that brought forth their illegal immigration absolutely not. They'll only return at some later date and get the incentive once again. That wouldn't solve the issue at all.

  5. If a criminal breaks into your house and steals your stuff is it your theory that he shouldn't be punished but rather you would pay him to give you your stuff back? He will just keep doing it! Rewarding criminals is never a good idea!

  6. Actual enforced jail time and deportation sounds like incentive to me!

  7. Mexicans get a nice bus ride!

    Better then walking.

    Hot meal included.

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