
Should the U.S govt set up check points to catch illegal immigrants driving without a license?

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At checkpoints, illegal immigrants risk losing cars

Deymi Barrios, a 25-year-old mom and illegal immigrant, had her car towed from a checkpoint in the Southern California community of Romoland for driving without a license.

Wrestling car seats from her Ford Focus as her two young children cried, she said she understood why Riverside County sheriff's deputies impounded her car. "I know that the law is the law," Barrios said in Spanish. "But because I don't have papers, I can't get a license."

Daytime checkpoints are gaining popularity among police as a way to make roads safer by taking cars from unlicensed drivers. But immigrant advocates say many of those caught up in checkpoints aren't dangerous motorists, just undocumented immigrants who cannot get a license.




  1. Any illegal act ( being here illegally is the first offense and driving wo a license is the 2nd offense) warrant taking the proper measures to keep people on the right side of the law. In my opinion, KUDOS.

  2. they should it seems to be very effective ........................but they dont

    check point are not only expensive and time consuming to the police department but towing and filling the paperwork requires officers to babysit instead of doing their job.

    if your illegal and dont have a social security number its practicly impossible for you to get a license anywhere but you CAN get a bank account, buy a car, get a loan, buy a house etc etc seems kinda backwards that you can obtain so much and yet not have nothing at all. I find it intruiguing that certain people proclaim freedom and such and the minute they hear of cheap gas prices in mexico guess where they go .....maybe it doesnt pertain to the question but just food for thought

  3. Actually everyone benefits from the "illegals". DONT BITE THE HAND THAT FEEDS YOU!!! And the above post is right, shouldn't you be concern over the criminals that roam your neighborhood??? Yeah I thought so..

  4. No, this would definitely be unconstitutional.  The supreme court has ruled that police need probable cause to pull someone over.  They can't just randomly set up a checkpoint and ask for papers.

  5. NAH!!!! don't u want the police looking for the so many rapist and murderers who are citizens and for those who are the same and undocumented instead !!!??? , what u suggest would make us look like n**i Germany back in the days ... plus who is gonna pay for all that !? SAY NOT to more debt . just check out what happened with Arpagio and the way he put the county in debt , they don't want him anymore , sooo NOT happening !!! whats the point anyways both presidential candidates are for a legalization of the undocumented and the Americans are about to kick out the republicans from their job place .

  6. Absolutely! These illegals broke the law to come to the U.S., then break it again to driver with no license. You can bet the law to have auto insurance does not phase them either.

  7. They can have checkpoints to catch citizens driving while intoxicated, why not non-citizens driving illegally?  Because who's going to pay for it if they get into an accident?

  8. Yes, I was really happy to read the article today that said they were doing just that.

  9. "Taking" the car can have different meanings.  Impounding a vehicle often means it's being temporarily stored by the police until some condition is met.  Seizing a vehicle means the government becomes the new owner.  

    Many places make it legal for the police to impound a vehicle if the driver does not have insurance.  I am assuming this was the case, or something similiar to that.

    The police are not going to be setting up a checkpoint to catch illegals.  For both legal and logisitical reasons, this is not allowed.  Second, Immigration agents won't be having random checkpoints to check for driver license compliance because they would essentially be enforcing a state law even though they are federal agents.  (This does not take away a federal agent's right and perhaps duty to intervene in felonies in progress, exigent circumstances, etc.)

    However, your point is understood, and I agree with it.  It is unfair for states to penalize illegal aliens for not being able to get insurance because the state won't allow them to get a driver license.  We all know illegals are going to drive in many cases, and we all have to share the road with them, so why not make sure they can learn the rules of the road from the state, and also be able to get insurance so they can pay the injured party if they wreck and it's their fault.

  10. Everybody brake the law in any given point just because you are not in the other side of the river doesn't give you the right to judge and crucify any individual and is more hate than any thing else..I wish that everybody stop going to the U.S.A since everybody is treated like criminal even though you go there to expend your last Penny either shopping or going to recreational parks.Every visitor is treat like trash from the moment you step your guys door way. And at the same time you guys are the sameone who are claiming PEACE ON EARTH...

  11. Yes.

    The illegal aliens are using fake documents to live in this country.  They have an accident, and then take off for Mexico or Belize, and the American People are stuck with the product of the crime.  The ONLY people who profit from the illegal aliens are the crummy employers who hire the illegal aliens for cheap wages.

  12. Yes, of course.   After all, that is the purpose of check catch criminals on the loose!


  13. While they where towing her car they should have been loading her and her kids on a bus for deportation, that is what gets me, police have them right there and instead of arresting for deportation they allow her to go? Who's the laws for - illegals or citizens? I think they should set up checkpoints at home depots and anywhere else possible illegals are!!

  14. Absolutely!

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