
Should the U.S. stop producing pennies?/ How should we address penny production costs?

by Guest33218  |  earlier

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Do nothing,

Abandon the penny,

Change the material content, or

Other. (please explain)

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Please take a few minutes to answer this question... I would really appreciate it. Thank you in advance for all your help!!!




  1. I say we get rid of pennies nickels and dimes.  maybe even quarters.  Dollars are so much easier and are very light.

  2. Unfortunately, we need them. Pennies in the long run, add up to dollars.  Do you know how many dollars in pennies we have floating around in circulation at present?  I don't, but it would be good to find out how much money you would take out of the market if we stopped using pennies now. I for one, like to get all of my change, if it's one cent or four odd pennies, if it's ninety nine cents, I want all of them.  You would have to round up to the nearest nickel on prices, ultimately forcing the consumer to pay more. You know a retailer or anyone selling services will not accept less.  Would you, just for convenience sake? Is the cost of producing pennies not cost effective?  I don't know that either, I don't know what the cost is. So, not having answers to the questions I have posed here, I will have to vote do nothing right now.  I don't really think a study on this would be cost effective, neither would incurring the costs of the legislation that would be involved in making a decision on the basis of the findings of such study.  People are already trying to squeeze every last cent out of every hard earned dollar, I wouldn't put the squeeze on them more for yet another waste of government money. Our tax dollars......and work!

  3. Definitely get rid of them. It cost more to make them then they are worth.A side benefit you wouldn't  have to stand behind some woman at the check out line going through her change purse for 2 cents.Just round up to the nearest dime.

  4. Great idea. It will make my penny collection worth big bucks.This is a very important question.

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