
Should the UK be the 51st State?

by Guest66308  |  earlier

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or part of the EU?

(If, as everyone says, we are too small to stand on our own feet these days . . .)




  1. we're doomed either way

  2. No, we should be independent

  3. No!Stay part of the EU!For trading purposes only!Why not USA come part of the Treaty as an equal partner!

  4. Well IF I had to choose the US or Europe well it would be a hard choice.

    As much as I hate to say this then I would rather be a part of Europe, now as much as I love the USA, if for whatever reason we were to be attacked by a foreign force America would be too far away to assist us and we would be too much of an easy target for Islamic Terrorists. Europe on the other hand are right on our doorstep and can offer us better protection if they wanted to give us it.

    A tough decision.


    we have always been too small to stand on our own to feet but that never stopped us before.

    and we dont want to become just some other European blur of people. WE ARE BRITISH AND THATS THAT  and as far as im concerned the EU can **** right off

  6. Look out of your windows, watch the skies

    Read all the instructions with bright blue eyes

    We're W.A.S.Ps, proud American sons

    We know how to clean our teeth and how to strip down a gun

    We're the 51st state of America

    Our star-spangled Union Jack flutters so proud

    Over the dancing heads of the merry patriotic crowd

    Tip your hat to the Yankee conqueror

    We've got no reds under the bed with guns under our pillows

    We're the 51st state of America

    Here in the land of opportunity, watch us revel in our liberty

    You can say what you like but it doesn't change anything

    Because the corridors of power are an ocean away

    We're the 51st state of America

    New Model Army 1985

  7. no. unfortunately we brits seem to be suffering the opposite of delusions of grandeur.we are the best nation on earth- dont forget that.we gave civilization to the rest of the world.they should be kissing our ***, without us the world would still be living in mud huts. we sparked the industrial revolution we invented time (gmt) etc etc . rule brittania- dont forget your heritage. i'm a proud englishman u should be a proud british woman dont listen to the anti british propaganda that comes from a jealous world.rant rant rant!!!!!

  8. yes we should......because this country holds on to the past too much..........we are history in the world stage and we are never going to come out of the recession that we are heading for this time.............there's no lucky move that's going to save the time we bottom out we going then to feel the force of India and china. and they will lead the world to the end.......the wake up call was and is loud and clear......but u Brits just don't lambs to the slaughter......your country has been sold from under you....fools.....the days of us rich Brits going around the world is over........our standing in the world has been sold away by the few

  9. It always has been and Canada is the 52nd!

  10. Not as the 51st State - but as an unincorporated territory!  How just that would be!

  11. Not a chance.  We won't be putting another star on our flag for the UK.

  12. EU everytime. In the EU we are part of the decision making process, US too arrogant to listen to anybody.

  13. Im with Alex P on this one. But im totally against the EU, i dont want to be governed by someone who i cant vote in or out, call me fussy!

  14. No. American influence on our culture is already too great. Being part of the EU is merely the lesser of two evils.

    I don't really want to see some of the more extreme ideas of the American neo-Cons put into practise in the UK.

    Thatcherism was enough.

  15. We should remain part of the EU.

    The USA is in a state of social and financial meltdown and has a per capita murder rate almost four times that of the UK.  Why on earth would we want to join that?

  16. Sure as long as you rid your country of all the Pakis and other Muslims 1st.

  17. The problem with a Globalised economy is that everyone enjoys the good the times....but when the bad times come, we cant do anything about it. This we're about to find out.

    Funny how Switzerland always manages to come up smelling of Roses.

  18. No. They are to far away from us to become part of our country.

  19. *Sobs*


    Are you mad????

    Yeahhh we're in a mess, but we need a change of government, not become more of America's puppy dog island than ever before.

    What a horrid thought!


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