
Should the UK continue to stand by our colonialist cousins in the USA?

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or should we tell the colony's to finally just grow up and go it alone?

After all didn't they fight for there freedom?




  1. Lets see it is now 3 am in Chile Go ahead and block me well not be upset you have provided me with many hours of amusement you old war hero you Fighting for the Brits and the yanks and burying the dead in between these bloody fire fights As an aside we have not buried our dead overseas since WW 2 How old are you ?What was it again ho yes a career man 20 years in our military and I'm sure a chest full of combat ribbons Specking of growing up how is that working out for you Your anti Americanism does not even upset me you are just plain funny

    Since you ''moved'' to Chile you have turned into a Dracula all you post are late at night

    I know this well be my last post with you so i must get this in Hear that? It's every one laughing at you Don't mess with the yanks we hit back and hit back hard

  2. We have been helping them since we went over, sending them editors, scholars, scientists, doctors, administrators, engineers, actors, builders, etc. They can't really do without us. If we stopped, they would be swamped by Latinos, blacks, asians, etc. and would be even greater nation than they could be. That would be worse. Imagine a greater USofA than what it is or could be. NO! We should continue to send them our surpluses.

    The truth really hoirts!

  3. The USA are colonials. We are Colonialists.

    UP Britannia!

  4. You have a point Jock, they did fight for their freedom which they won quite convincingly.  I, too have reservations over their govt`s foreign policy, rather than with individuals like Ray, he`s just a s**t stirrer.  However, I would probably favour the US as our number one ally than some of the so-called "allies" we have in Europe (another of your pet hates, along with mine).  Couldn`t agree more with B rob`s last sentence.

    What`s the best website about Chile?

  5. I live in england, and i think its nice of the usa to help us out when we need it.

  6. As one of your colonialist cousins in the USA, let me point out that having your leadership do the bidding of Bush is not standing by the citizens of the USA.

    Your own leaders defied your own people and put yourself in an illegal war - so much for Democracy.

    If you want to stand by your colonialist cousins in the USA you would not participate in an illegal war and torture.  Instead, you would provide a stellar example of how to conduct foreign policy in a civilized manner.

  7. We have not been your colonies for quite some time now.

    The fact of the matter is you are not American so you have no say who the president is. Sorry.

  8. we should stand with our european cousins we have had a history with them for 1000's of years long before america was even thought off, europe has the potential of being the worlds superpower if we can ever speak with one voice......

  9. I'm not really sure that we are still colonialists of the UK.  I think we won that freedom a while back and now we are an independent country with the UK as strong friends and allies.  I personally like having the UK as our buddy b/c like you said we are cousins-basically.  

    I'm not sure about you letting us grow up and go it alone.  I think that we are quite capable of making our own decisions just like you folks are-sometimes our leaders make poor ones, but so do yours (I imagine).

    Basically, we need each other, b/c this world is truly shrinking and we all affect each other.  But, should you want to go your own way, then scat.  We've enjoyed helping you guys out and we've enjoyed the help and friendship that your gvt has offered us for however long we've been allies.

  10. If we told them to go it alone they'd probably turn their numerous bases in the U.K. into mini-Guantanamo Bays and incarcerate our political leaders without trial.

  11. Let us go it alone please.  In fact, let's drop the cousin stuff.

  12. Ha ah Scotsman i get the feeling you have got what you set out for.Although i do tend to think George planned a bit of mischief before leaving office as he has been building the Georgians up training there military etc considering he would know how this would affect relations with the rest of Europe maybe he needs some good mate to give him a dig to bring him back in line!

    Mind you the outcome could be the Germans and French side with Russia for gas and oil then we can tell them to f**k off no more EU but dont bank on it.

    Cheers jock you have a great day as well i think it has got off on the right foot.

  13. No, we don't really need you anymore.  Thanks for all the help against the n***s, though.  Those Stuka bombers would have bombed us into oblivion if it wasn't for you guys.  Thanks for the high taxes and the drawing and quartering, and bringing slavery to our shores.  Now goodbye.

  14. Please get your phraseology correct. " Colonialist cousins" is NOT the same as "colonial cousins".

    The first implies that our "cousins" in the US are the empire builders ( ..which may well be true, depending on your politics) and the second implies that the UK still has an empire of which the US is part, which certainly isn't true.

    Whilst it is in the UK's interest to allign inteslf with the most powerful military force in the world, it serves us little use economically ...especially whilst the US places protectionist import restrictions and taxes on British goods.  Our trade is predominatly with Europe and always has been, and that is where our future should lie. The continual sucking-up to the USA that Blair did (and before him Thatcher, who was far worse about it) is humiliating. At least Brown has sought to distance us a little more from them.

  15. No , I don't trust them - if we got attacked they would leave us to fend for our selves - that's the type of country they are - thanks for helping defeat the n**i's , but I think it would be best if we let someone else be their lapdog for a bit ,  Aycora- how can we be sure the the USA has got our backs - I am not anti anything - I thought we were not your Friends - you said so your self - and we aren't even your strongest ally anymore - so you would not be obliged to protect us  that's all LOL

  16. Right now;Our American cousins need every friend they can get to stand by them in their hour of need!

    Whether the Americans agree with me or not;The United States is just not the great financial power it once was and if economic forecasts are correct will be superseded by China, India and the EU within 20years.

    I am of an age when I have to be very grateful for what the Americans did 60years ago!But a new World Order is looming up just over the horizon!Whether I and they like it or not

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