
Should the UK send our PC brigade to South Africa?

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South African mobs hunt down immigrants.

Mass immigration is good, why don't the South Africans know this?




  1. Would you prefer political INcorrectness?

  2. You would have to have been born there and lived their for about 30 years like I did to understand the mentality. Life is totally meaningless to people on the townships. You've heard of the Soweto necklace? Just how savage can you be. I used to hold music shows in the townships. Many times I have seen people being beaten to death with bricks, rocks etc., and cut to ribbons with machettes. It's just the truth of how it is. It's just the facts. You can't change it by saying to them it's not PC. There is nothing you can do to change tribalism

  3. No, send the rednecks and Express readers, they'd feel right at home in the mobs.

  4. Jean J sums it up in the word "tribal"

    At least in S.A. they stick together to oppose what they see as a threat.

    Here in the UK we're just a bunch of non-entities who couldn't stick together with a lorry load of fecking super glue.

    That's why petty officialdom and the PC brigade get away with so much in the UK.

    If we followed the example of other countries and actually demonstrated in the streets once in a while we'd all be a lot better off.

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