
Should the UN create a elite counter terrorists force be set up?

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I mean shouldn't the UN make a elite Force to go and combat international terrorism that would be sanctioned by the UN and would have the power will and resources to strike any were in the world to combat terrorism because the US and the UK are having no luck and China and Russia although they have counter terrorism unit they are ineffective should they all merge them under a new UN force that could hit any were in the world.....

Also what I mean is not invasion forces like Iraq more like special forces that would go in and out but are part of a UN force so there wouldn't be border issues?




  1. Yeah, but they would never send them out. The UN is corrupt and inept and is going the way of the League of Nations that were appeasers to Hitler.

  2. Are you kidding the UN is made up of terrorist countries also, and are the most corrupt organization on earth, I would not trust them to do anything right. I wish we would kick them out of the USA and set up an organization of true democracies.

  3. What good would the unit be if before sending them in, the UN would send 50 "Please stop doing that" letters first.

  4. Pick one:

    A) No.

    B)  h**l NO!

  5. Terrorists and their sympathizers are what runs the vast majority of the UN, what are you talking about? The UN has no power...period.  

  6. Un gran piccatu nun po' stari cilatu

  7. Wouldn't it be great if the UN actually did something. What good would it be for them to have such a force if they never agree to send them out.

  8. Are you kidding?  No way!

    I see no need for an elite counterterrorism force to be set up to operate child prostitution rings, as UN forces appear to be prone to do.

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