
Should the UN send their peace envoy Tony Blair to Georgia to broker a deal, would any one listen to him ?

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But this is Tony we are talking about the man can do no wrong............;)




  1. The UN is powerless here because Russia has a permanent seat on the Security council and veto power.

  2. no-one would listen 2 him, but technically they should, but they probably wont

  3. Nah.  Obama should volunteer to be the peace broker.  After all, he wants to be king of the world.  The god of this age.  

  4. Well they could do a lot worse. Can you think of any Tory who would be better suited?!?

  5. Sorry to say this, but Blair lost much of his international esteem and influence by siding with Bush for so long (sorry about that Britts).

  6. Just heard Bush say, 'Georgia is a sovereign nation and its sovereignty should be respected...'  Rewind a bit and see if you can fit these words to his lips and not puke: 'Iraq is a sovereign nation and its sovereignty should be respected'.

  7. You mean the guy who took Britain to war in Iraq and Afghanistan then joined the Catholic church, became a Middle East peace envoy and started a Faith Foundation? Yeah, he's well qualified to prevent the escalation of a regional conflict between Russia and Georgia. *Not*.

  8. h**l yes!  they would save on ammunition as he would talk them to death....

  9. All politicians do wrong, can we ask him to go to the front and in the way of a T80. Could you imagine Blair climbing onto a Russian tank and getting the driver to stop?

  10. i saw hoot him out a cannon and see what happens

  11. Blair's only skill is in starting illegal wars.

    So no.

    Let him keep messing up the Middle East and making millions more shekels for himself and his greedy wife.

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