
Should the UNited States trade with counrtries such as China?

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Countries like china who does not have the same environmental regulations as we do?




  1. if the US businesses want to remain competitive

    they will have to outsource to India and China

    go here

  2. No. China is communist. Communist are evil and wicked. We should never deal or associate with any communist.

  3. China needs raw materials and to get them needs to sell finished goods. That makes China's trade with Canada an obvious choice.

    The USA is tending to run short of raw materials, as is China, and has to import from other countries like Canada and Mexico.

    Trade with China is a bit less obvious for the USA.

    USA does not really want to sell raw materials, and is not eager to buy finished goods. But USA does have a lot of scrap materials that China can 'mine' for resources. And USA does like to buy cheap, reasonably good products rather than make them itself. Because so much money is coming from investment in China, a lot of goods must come with the money.

    If USA does not buy those finished goods, what does it get from China as investment tribute?

    It is in China's interest to keep geting all the scrap it can from the USA. What else can it accept in payment for its interest on US treasury bills? The USA has lost its predominant position as a manufacturer.

    The USA has largely outsourced its dirty industry, so it can claim to have great environmental standards while being the biggest world polluter in terms of GHGs

    The USA should pay a premium for products from clean facilities, at least as much to give some of the business back to firms in the USA.

  4. you have no choice China owns 90% of your local debt and if they called in the loans you would be screwed,learn cantonese and to eat with chop sticks cause it may happen sooner than you think

  5. Yes for china is devlelped country and they have oil and we have to trade with iraq

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