
Should the US Government be required to operate with in their means, and stop spending money they don't have?

by Guest59384  |  earlier

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Should the US Government be required to operate with in their means, and stop spending money they don't have?




  1. That's a novel idea! That's how everyone should live. The government sets a very  bad example.

    Then we wonder why we're a nation of debt.

  2. It would be nice, but I don't know if it's possible in this day and age. The only reason Clinton managed a surplus was because he stole from Social Security and no, that's NOT what it's for. It's to help those who can't financially help themselves because of physical or mental handicap. Case closed.

  3. No.  There are instances that defecit spending is helpful, like the great depression.  A balanced budget would have extended the depression, spending brought us out.

  4. Sounds like sage advice for everyone...not just the US govt.

  5. They don't have? They can always print more.

  6. Well, you would think common sense would tell them to operate within their means, as they expect us citizens to do....but when it comes to the government, I guess they are exempt from having to do that.

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