
Should the US Government decrease wages to white and blue collar workers to save money and?

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reduce retirements that make above the 39k per year mark just like the Airlines did?




  1. There are a lot of places that need to be cut before wages.  Are you trying to make things worse for the already over burdened American middle class?  How is that going to help things when even MORE people begin to default on their debt?

      The cost of living adjustments don't keep up with inflation as it is, since they are tied to the government's bogus inflation numbers.

    Now, if you want to talk about cutting social security for upper income retirees, I'm all for it.  But to talk about reducing wages at a time like this is insane.

    Let's start by cutting out the pork and subsidies that are padded into every senate bill.  Lets bring our troops home and save over $500 BILLION a year.  Let's roll back the tax cuts on the upper 1%, and stop allowing the wealthy to shelter their income in offshore accounts so they don't even pay the lower taxes they are suppossed to be paying.

    You can't fix things by stressing the consumer even more.  Your proposal would just add more gasoline to the fire that is burning down our economy as it is.

    Also, Stimulus checks are BS.  They are effectively a forced loan that we are all taking out that will have to be paid back later.  The government is simply bribing us now with our kids money that will have to be paid back with interest in the future.

    The worst thing the government ever did was discover that people could be bought off with their own money.

  2. The government cannot

  3. The US govt should NEVER decrease anyone's wages except its employees. To do so would not be what our democracy is about. To do so would be Marxist and socialist. Companies are owned by the people. Those who own the company should have the right and responsibility to set wages and retirement as they choose. When the govt starts controlling wages, we will all suffer!!

  4. The government does not set wages.  We do not live in a Communist state last time I checked.

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