
Should the US Open have an 18-hole playoff, or should the winner be decided on Sunday?

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I think the US Open is the only tournament that uses the Monday 18-hole playoff. It seemed today that the additional 18 holes didn't prove a darn thing - and it took the standard sudden death format to resolve the title.

Wouldn't it be enough to have a 3-hole playoff on Sunday, followed by sudden death, if necessary?




  1. yes i totally agree with you

  2. Well they have a 18 hole playoff only in Majors like the Masters, US Open, PGA Tourny, and One other i cannot remember but this is because Majors have not only a bigger purse but are more important in many other things.  So 18 holes gives another chance like today for Rocco to prove he really is champ or Tiger to show he is worthy of this and it isn't just luck.  This is why 18 holes is good but on Monday they do have the problem of attendence being low and TV Viewing not being high either and the course has to sacrifice tee times also.  The only thing i saw today that didn't make sense was that Rocco got to take a free drop off the GrandStand which i thought is not really a good rule for if you hit against the GrandStand that is your fault and not the GrandStand's but other than that the Tournament was very fun to watch!

  3. I've always hated the 18 hole playoff in the Open because I can never watch it on Monday because of work.  I love your idea of a 3 hole playoff followed by sudden death, but sometimes there isn't enough light for that on Sunday.  I guess an 18 hole playoff is probably the "fair" way to determine the winner, but it's so boring to end on Sunday without a winner and then have to wait a whole day after the excitement has worn away.

  4. I'd like them to be consistent with how the other major tournaments do it - a 4 hole playoff on the same day.

  5. With the time constraints and other commitments players have, the four hole aggregate score playoff would seem to be a good solution with sudden death after that in the event of a tie. Eighteen holes is a thing of the past. If you feel strongly, write the USGA and get your buddies to do the same.

  6. I guess since the Open is a USGA tournament, it has had an 18-hole playoff if a tie occurs since its origin. While the other PGA majors have a 4-hole playoff on the same day. The USGA and PGA are not the same things. I do agree it would make sense if it were a 4-hole playoff on the same day instead of an 18-hole on the next day, as not many people really saw it as it's a weekday. It wouldve been a lot more exciting if it had continued on sunday night.

  7. man i was rooting for mediate today killed him. I think the 3-hole playoff would have been perfect

  8. nope...i think the playoff today solved it perfectly. it already puts alot of strain on the golfers for an extra day.

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