
Should the US adopt a different method of electing its President?

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Should the US adopt a different method of electing its President?




  1. No way That's how USA Rolls.

  2. Yes!!!

    First change should be that if you sign up to vote as a democrat or republican then that is the only candidate you can give your vote to come election day.That way you know people won't sign up to basically sabotage the other party.

    It would lead to better candidates being elected, and a better president then.

  3. Although I do not feel it is entirely necessary, I would not be opposed to a thorough restructuring of the electoral process.  Campaign spending laws could be rewritten.  True democratic elections without the electoral college or delegates could be incorporated, as well as runoff elections in cases where no candidate gets a majority of the vote, which would encourage third parties and bring more ideas into the political system.  

    More importantly, Congressional elections could be different.  Allowing people to vote for a party instead of a candidate for the house, and allotting seats on a proportional basis would almost guarantee that some seats go to third party candidates which would broaden our political spectrum.  Again, I don't feel the current system is broken, but it encourages a two party system and forces outlandish spending on campaigning and an ever increasing amount of time campaigning.  Since most candidates are already elected officials (and ideally the some of the better elected officials), this prevents them from adequately doing their job for an increasing period of time.  I can not say if it needs to be restructured, but I do believe that it is in dire need of some minor repairs and limitations.

  4. My answer is;



    I think we should change the way do it and not necessarily through out the whole thing and start anew.

    What if we put the Pride Back in Voting?

    What if it was on the First Monday of the first Full Weekend in Nov. instead of the middle of the work week dung?

    What if that Monday was a National Holiday so everyone had a 3 day weekend and Time to Think before Voting?

    What if every vote had to be on paper and counted by a pool of people picked from the voter pools of each state to do the counting. And pay then $1000 for their time (America paying for a Honest count).

    And what if we brought our Social Security cards into the 21st century then make S.S. in charge of Fed. voter registration. Cause S.S. knows when your 18 and knows when your Dead. Besides, If it is good enough for your military ID number. It should be Good Enough for Voting.

    These are my thoughts. I hope they help.

  5. I think we should get rid of the Presidency and have a Monarchy.

    A Monarch belongs to no political party since a Monarch represents unity.

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